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Luke was the first to climb into the backseat of his vehicle that was parked in the backyard of the Clifford household and then helped his boyfriend, Brady, into the tall vehicle before closing the door behind him.

Brady climbed on top of Luke's lap, who happened to be settled in the middle of the vehicle, letting Brady place a small kiss to his lips.

"I'm not heavy, am I?" the boy with brown, dyed, hair asked as he placed his hands on Luke's shoulders. His green eyes looking into his favorite pair of blue ones that made him smile wide every time.

"Not at all baby, but why can't we go inside?" he asked, then placed a small kiss on Brady's forehead which was soon returned back to his own cheek.

They both blushed, and then giggled quietly.

"My parents would ask you every question in the world, I'd much rather it be us until we're ready for that."

Luke nodded, "If you say so, sweetheart."

"I do say so," Brady chuckled, the adorable noise bringing Luke to do the same.

Brady swears he loves Luke the most, and he's reminded of it every time Luke looked at him.

They both let out small sighs of happiness as they kept eye to eye, the small yet their bright smiles felt like they were to never disappear.

Brady relaxed back as he laid back into Luke's arms, his boyfriend slowly unwrapping his arms until Brady was rested back as far as he could. He reached up letting his left arm fall into the passenger's seat that was claimed as his, and his right arm falls into the driver's seat that belonged to his boyfriend.

Luke knew Brady was beautiful and he was so lucky to have him.

Brady knew he was so lucky to have Luke to call as his boyfriend.

Luke was his to be cuddled and spoiled by, and he loved that.

They could both easily admit to being in love with the other, even if they were just in the moment.

They never knew without each other, but with, they knew how to feel.

Brady reached his hands back out of the seats and brought them to Luke's, whining quietly when he couldn't reach the older's hands.

Luke loved how adorable Brady was all the time, he knew for a fact he was going to protect this boy forever.

Luke giggled quietly when he noticed Brady's whine, and took his boyfriend's hands in his own.

"Luke, Luke, do that cute thing again," Brady giggled softly, letting go of Luke's hand to tug on Luke's sleeve.

Luke smiled. It was hard for Luke to catch up on what "cute thing" Brady wanted him to do, there was something Brady would add to the cute thing list every day.

"Awe, awe," Brady cooed, the smile on his face growing even wider. His boyfriend was the cutest person in the world.

"I didn't even do anything," Luke spoke, soft, while shaking his head at the younger.

"No," Brady rolled his eyes, "you did the cute thing," he added, in an obvious 'duh' tone.

"But yesterday when I did the cute thing all I did was snap my fingers," Luke mumbled, bending down to nuzzle his face to his boyfriend's stomach, causing the younger to giggle and squirm.

Luke loved how Brady could never stay still, it was another thing that made him seem to fall for the fifteen-year-old.

"But you were so cute when you snapped, it was just so adorable," Brady giggled more, his giggles starting to become squeals along with gasps to catch his breath.

Luke stopped nuzzling his head to his beautiful boyfriend so he could catch his breath.

"You're the cute one here," Luke mumbled loud enough for Brady to hear, which was just enough to make the younger blush.

The two kept eye to eye with cheeky smiles across their faces and was stopped by a kiss to Brady's stomach by Luke.

Brady reached up to let his hand comb through Luke's hair, and let out a small giggle. He didn't have a reason for it this time. Luke just put him in the happiest mood that would make Brady smile for years.

"I think I love you," Brady stated, as both of them sat up in the vehicle. Brady wrapped his arms loosely around Luke's neck, and let Luke place a few kisses to everywhere on Brady's face.

"I love you too."

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