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Brady slept like a rock just like Michael did, and Michael was thankful for that. He never wanted to wake up his brother in the middle of the night, especially for what he was doing now. He wasn't proud of it, but it made him happy.

Sometimes doing what makes you happy makes others unhappy.

Michael sat up in bed, tucking his phone under his pillow, and then headed out of the room, leaving the door barely open. He rushed to the front door as quickly and quietly as he possibly could, well knowing the outside weather was far too cold for anyone to be standing outside for longer than a minute.

Once Michael reached the door, he unlocked it, and then opened it; there he was standing like a complete goof.

"Luke, you look so stupid," Michael said to the man outside, shivering, in shorts and a loose band tee. It didn't even have stupid sleeves that would make him feel a bit warmer.

"No one ever said I was a smart man," Luke shrugged once he stepped inside, turning to Michael who closed the door behind him as he slowly had shaken his head because, well, he couldn't disagree.

"I don't know anyone that has said that," he muttered, "and no one probably will."

"Hey," Luke scoffed, lightly nudging Michael's ankle in an attempt to kick him. "you said you like me, so you're supposed to disagree with me," the older whined.

"Just because I like you doesn't mean I should lie." Michael shrugged his shoulders to shake off the subject, "Wanna just go to my room?"

"Isn't that the same room Brady sleeps in?" Luke mumbled, whining at Michael's nod. "Do we have to?" he asked, lightly stomping his foot like a child.

"Would you rather us sit on the couch and most likely get caught?" Michael's voice made Luke know the answer, so he shook his head no. That's how Michael got what he wanted.

Michael's expressions softened as he took Luke's hand, starting to guide the lanky man through the house he's been through very many times.

It didn't feel right being there for Michael, but he hoped to learn to love it.

To Luke, it felt different to be at the same house with the boy who wasn't Brady while the two recently broke it off. It felt like... cheating? He honestly didn't know, it was some feeling of guilt in his gut. If he was lucky, it would be some bad food he had earlier.

Once the two entered the bedroom, Michael let go of the man-who-looked-overly-confused's hand and walked to the bed. He laid down on the floor pulling out his laptop from underneath it, and then stood up again while tucking it under his arm. After, he walked back to Luke, took his hand, walked them into the barely big enough closet.

If it didn't fit his and Brady's clothes, he didn't know how it was going to fit him, Luke, and Luke's daddy long legs.

"What are we doing in here?" Luke asked in a whisper, letting his eyes follow around Michael who was closing the door behind.

It was dark, but Michael figured they wouldn't need to see with the computer screen to soon light up the tiny closet.

"Just don't talk for a moment and sit down, please," Michael begged, earning that goofy nod from Luke. He couldn't see it, but he knew it was there.

Luke then did as he was told and sat down (a bit uncomfortably), but he didn't know what to expect. This was Michael's closet, after all, it was probably some clothes he sat on. He couldn't imagine too much worse, well, he could, but he didn't want to think about that much.

He told himself that Michael wasn't a dirty person, but he also lied.

Michael sat down beside Luke and opened his laptop, turning it on. He then wiggled his body between Luke's lap, then placed his laptop on top of his and Luke's lap while the older played with his hair.

Before the two knew it, they were both off to sleep. Luke's arms wrapped around Michael, a quiet movie playing on the small screen, and the two both snoring oh so softly.

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