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"Are you sure you don't want to go inside, baby? You did say that it's just your brother inside and I think it's alright for us to meet. We've been dating for a few months now, and I believe that it's alright for me to meet at least one person in your family. Is there something embarrassing about me?" Luke rambled on, flopping his hands around.

Luke wasn't the type of person to be whiny and complain about anything, but after treating his boyfriend like a prince for their four month anniversary every single day of the week, he didn't know if Brady was comfortable with their relationship anymore.

It made him feel like Brady wanted to hide Luke.

Brady has met everyone in Luke's family, from his mother to his nieces and nephews who he knew Luke loves dearly. Brady just didn't trust anyone in his family with Luke; he didn't want to lose his boyfriend who he felt like he cares about the most.

"Baby," Brady said, turning to the driver's side of the vehicle, and then grabbed Luke's chin to make the older face him.

"There is not one thing about you that's embarrassing; you're perfect, got that? I love every part of you."

"Every part?"

"Everything about you."

Luke nodded his head and let a small sigh escape his lips. The lips that are Brady's favorite to kiss.

"I love you, Luke," Brady said, bringing smiles to both of their faces and then a little giggle to Brady's happy mood.

"I love you too," Luke said, his voice a bit muffled by the hand holding onto his chin.

"So can we go inside then?" Luke asked again and sighed as Brady shook his head.

"Stop doing the cute thing," Brady said in Luke's opinion as a lovely demand, which made the older laugh a bit. "You're repeating the cute thing but it's a different cute thing, and I just asked you to stop doing the cute thing." Brady quickly ranted out enough to confuse Luke, before both of them heard a ruffling noise which caused Luke to lock the car doors to protect the couple.

"Brady Peter Clifford! Both of you get out of the car and go inside," Michael's voice screamed to where Brady and Luke could both hear Michael loud and clear.

"Do we listen?" Luke asked in a whisper, only letting his lips move while freezing. It looked like Brady was doing the same thing too once he looked over at his boyfriend.

"Probably," Brady said as quick as he could before unbuckling his seatbelt, and then rushed inside the house which Luke was quick to follow.

Michael already thought it was funny how Brady and some random guy who's car Brady was in had listened so well to him and neither of them looked at Michael. He was sure the other guy didn't even know who was talking, at least Michael got respect from the guy as he deserves.

He rolled his eyes once the two reached the house, but his dumb 'older and more responsible' brother didn't even bother to close the door to the vehicle which Michael was kind enough to do before heading inside.

Brady didn't know where he was running to, especially because he was never scared of his brother, but maybe it was okay to be scared this one time. He headed past the living room, up the stairs, and then soon into his shared room which Luke followed right behind him.

At one point Luke even reached to gently hold onto Brady's hand, but the younger screamed quietly and rushed even faster up the stairs with making sure his boyfriend was still following. Once the two made it into the room, Brady sat down on the edge of the bottom bunk bed, and Luke sat down on the floor in front of him with his legs crossed.

"Was that like your older brother or something?" Luke asked quietly, looking up while Brady's fingers combed through the blond hair.

"No," Brady laughed, shaking his head. "You got the brother part right; he just scared the shit out of me. If anything goes bad just beat him up, you're a lot bigger than him. He's just weird and stuff, don't be worried about it." Brady reassured Luke by the softness of his voice, and the gentle touches of one hand through his hair while the other rubbed Luke's shoulder.

Luke nodded his head as he listened to his boyfriend, and relaxed back to the bottom of the bed letting his body fall between Brady's legs. Brady thought Luke was adorable for someone who was also extremely hot. "Love you," he giggled softly before bending down to place a kiss on Luke's forehead.

"Awe," Michael cooed quietly, stepping into the room while munching on a chocolate chip cookie. Seeing Michael's reaction made Brady blush a light pink that was just the perfect color to brighten his pale skin.

Luke could easily admit he was confused. Brady was standing at the door awing at the couple, and yet Brady was hanging on top of him with his arms wrapped around Luke's neck. Luke didn't know if he had a dream or if there two Bradys coming to kiss him in heaven.

Luke stared at Brady for a second, trying to process what was going on. Just to make sure his baby was still there, his arms wrapped around Brady's legs, and placed his head on his smaller boyfriend's thigh. Yes, that was enough to confirm that Brady was still there by the little giggle that escaped his mouth.

"Luke," Michael guessed the other's name seeing how close they were to snap the other out of his stare into the real world, and pointed to his identical twin. "My brother is blushing, tell him something cute, so I have a reason to be jealous."

Brother, not Brady, Luke was going to try his hardest to remember that.

"O-okay," Luke nodded, his mouth hanging open a bit. He looked up to see Brady smiling down on him, and looking cute while doing it. "You're quite lovely," Luke said soft and kissed Brady's lips as the other giggled softly.

"Thank you, Luke," Brady whispered back, and returned the kiss back to the top of Luke's head, and then propped his head on top of Luke's. "Mikey isn't he the cutest?" Brady squeaked out quietly, both of their attention turning to the boy Luke now knew as Mikey.

"You haven't done the stuff yet, have you?" Michael asked in reply, seeing Luke looked much older than Brady who Michael knew to be a bit more on the innocent side.

"No," Luke shook his head, "Brady is my baby, and we're waiting until he's ready, it's more fun to go on dates anyway," Luke spoke honest, letting his head fall back to Brady's lap again while the younger played with his hair.

"He's nice," Michael said, crossing his arms over his chest, "Make him go home since it's late, and let me get to know him tomorrow."

"No," Brady growled low, wrapping his arms around Luke. It was too late to make the man go home now anyway; he hated how Luke lived alone sometimes.

"Yes," Michael argued, stomping his foot.

"I'll make breakfast for you both tomorrow if you show me the kitchen and let me sleep over tonight," Luke offered quickly to avoid the two arguing back and forth all night.

"Alright, he can stay," Michael nodded, which made the couple both smile wide.

That night Brady and Luke got to cuddle so tight. They were too cute to be real, Michael thought, they wouldn't last long.

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