#4 ~ Awkwardness

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Why, hello peeps! Sorry for not updating much on this...but, I just my other fanfic up and running again, and making long chapters for it...so, yeah. BUT, I have a lot of time now, because of Spring Break!!! Yay! Also, my sister is coming and she has a devilish mind.....muwhahahaha. The ideas just keep rolling in... :3 @perlamendez gave me Scene ones idea....THANKS!

Okay, enough, lets start this.

Leo: You're just plain evil.

Me: Why, thank you.

Leo: How is that a compliment....?

Me: You know my user? Fat-cat_skinny-kitty? Well, yeah. I still have Fat cat (yes, they are real cats) but I lost my Skinny Kitty to a cougar (mountain lion). Skinny Kitty was a evil kitty. Her nickname was evil kitty, and so if someone says 'evil' I take it as compliment towards my kitten.....I miss her....

Leo: Oh.

Me: *Starts crying because I miss my Skinny Kitty *

Leo: Please don't cry....It will make me cry....

*Leo burst out crying *

Piper: *Sigh *

Scene One:

Percy Jackson: Okay, well, who's turn is it now?

Frank Zhang: Can I go?

Jason Grace: I got a truth that is for sure worth listening too.

Percy Jackson: Who's it for?

Jason Grace: Nico.

Percy Jackson: This sounds interesting.

(Nico casually enters cabin after saving Hazel from the rage of Clarisse and Chiron)

Jason Grace: Nico! Truth or dare?

(Nico thinks about it.)

Nico di Angelo: Truth. Your previous dares got mostly everyone in trouble.

Jason Grace: Who do you have a crush on?

(Nico turns pale.)

Nico di Angelo: You wouldn't.

Jason Grace: I would.

(Jason grins evilly)

Nico di Angelo: I'm not saying.

Jason Grace: You have to.

Nico di Angelo: I will go bare naked, I don't care. I'm not saying.

Jason Grace: That is the consequence...

(Nico starts taking off his shirt. Everyone screams 'noooooooo!')

Jason Grace: Well played....

(Everything goes into awkwardness.)

Scene two:

Reyna: Octavian!!!!

Octavian: What?

Reyna: Where's Jason?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Octavian: Last I checked, he was with the scums of Greeks.

Reyna: Not that Jason!

Octavian: I don't know any other Jason!!!

Reyna: Spit it out! I know you have him!

Octavian: Wait...what?

Reyna: Give him back you short, annoying, crazy, weirdo, of a killer jerk!!!

Octavian: I'm confused...

Reyna: If you do not give me the remains, or the whole thing, RIGHT NOW, I will KILL you!!!

Octavian: 1. I don't know who your talking about, 2. If you think I would kill a Roman, your crazy. And 3. What are you talking about?!?! I'm very confused.

Reyna: Don't play stupid! I know you have Jason my teddy bear!

(Octavian stares at her with his mouth hanging open)

Octavian: You named your teddy bear Jason?

(Reyna blushes, and shifts on her feet.)

Reyna: You don't have him, do you?

Octavian: No. But this is amusing....

Reyna: Say nothing and I'll make you Praetor.

Octavian: Really?

Reyna: No. But I will kill you.

(Octavian and Reyna stand there in awkwardness.)

Scene three:

Demeter: Well, that was a lot of awkwardness......

(Everyone stays quiet.)

Demeter: Cereal anyone?

(All gods poof and disappear to there temples.)

Demeter: Awkwardness...............................well, it was worth a try. They will never understand how good cereal is..........

(She walks off to her temple, mumbling about cereal.)

(All gods appear back in throne room.)

Poseidon: She she gone?

Athena: Yes.

Poseidon: Thank goodness. I thought we would have to hear about her rambling of cereal again.

Zeus: Well then, Ares, we have something to talk about-

Ares: Not really.

Zeus: True.

(Everything turns into awkwardness. Hades appears in his throne, looking at Poseidon in disgust.)

Zeus: Hades! You're not allowed here!

Hades: (mumbles) Why son?......Why his son?

Zeus: Hades!

Hades: What?!

Zeus: You better have a good reason to be here.

Hades: Well, my son-

Poseidon and Ares: Is a scum?

(Hades looks flatly at them.)

Zeus: Ares, brother, enough.

(Poseidon slumps in his seat, looking at Ares that was fuming, scared.)

Poseidon: Yes, Zeus.

Ares: Ha! You scared of me, punny god?

Poseidon: No. I just don't want to fight because then Hera will come out.

Zeus: Good point....

(Everything turns awkward.)

Okay guys! There we go! A awkwardness chapter. Thanks to @perlamendez for the idea! Thank you so much for commenting, voteing, and READING!

Please comment, vote, and FOLLLOW.

Nico: You almost....almost..... *trembles*

Me: I'm sorry Nico. It had to be awkward. But, I really do like you. ^=^

Nico: Ooookkkkaaayy.....

Jason: You'll have to say it sooner or later.

Me & Nico: Shut up! Just shut up.

Okay...................THANKS AGAIN!!!!! :-)

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