HOO/PJO Truth or Dare

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Hi guys! Okay, so, I decided I would do a PJO/HOO truth or dare fanfic. This. is. Going. to. be. Fun!

So, lets get this party started!

Jason: Should I be scared...?

Me: Yes. Yes you should.

Percy: This doesn't sound good. Annabeth? I'm scared.

Annabeth: She doesn't own us. She can do anything...I think...

Me: I can do whatever I want. Even though Rick Riordan owns you all, I can still make you do this. Muhahahahaha!

Annabeth: That's just creepy. I'm with you, Percy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Scene one:

Percy Jackson: (sitting on bed in cabin 3 with Annabeth) Annnaaaabbbeeettthhh......I'm bored.

Annabeth Chase: Find something to entertain yourself. (Shoves her book in her face)

Percy Jackson: (puts hand on his chin thinking. Jumps up off of bed in victory.) “I got it! Truth or dare! Oh, Annabeth! Please, please, please, please!!!!” (Jumps up and down)

Annabeth Chase: Fine. Let go get the others.

(Percy zooms out of the cabin. Gets the others. Goes back to cabin 3.)

Jason Grace: Please tell me why I'm here.

Percy Jackson: TRUTH OR DARE!!!!

Jason Grace: Okay. Can I go first?

Percy Jackson: Sure.

Jason Grace: Hmm. Annabeth. Truth or dare?

Annabeth Chase: Dare.

(Jason grins evilly. Annabeth gets scared all of a sudden)

Jason Grace: I dare you to... (He grins even bigger) ...draw colourful unicorns on Nico's cabin.

(Everyone gasps. Annabeth's jaw collides with the ground.)

Annabeth Chase: No! He will feed me to Hades hellhounds!

Jason Grace: The consequence is taking off a piece of clothing.

(Percy glares at Jason.)

Everyone in room: It was nice knowing you, Annabeth.

Leo Valdez: Any last words?

Annabeth Chase: Tell Athena it was nice redesigning Olympus. And, love you, Percy.

(Annabeth runs outside, goes gets paint from the Stolls. She starts painting colourful unicorns on the Hades cabin. She runs back to cabin 3 with paint on her clothes.)

Annabeth Chase: Done. Happy?

(Jason nods with a evil grin.) (5 minutes later...)

Nico di Angelo: WHO DID THIS?!?!

(Annabeth hides behind Percy. A very angry Nico di Angelo stomps into cabin 3)

Nico di Angelo: My. Cabin. Has. Colourful. Unicorns. On. It. WHO DID IT?!

(Nico see's a paint covered Annabeth behind Percy.)

Annabeth Chase: Please don't kill me! I'm to young to die!

Nico di Angelo: I won't kill you, I'll simply do this. (Nico whistles. Mrs. O' Leary comes bolting in, shaking the whole cabin. Nico points at Annabeth. Mrs. O' Leary jumps on her and shadow travels somewhere. Nico casually walks out of cabin 3.)

Piper McLean: Um...what just happened?

Jason Grace: I have no idea.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Scene two:

(Annabeth appears in Reynas bathtub while Reyna is using the toilet.


Annabeth Chase: Um...this is not my fault. Sorry Reyna. Nico got mad.

Reyna: The Pluto scum?

Annabeth Chase: *Hades. Yes, that one.

Reyna: Oh. Okay. But seriously, out of my bathroom please I'm trying to do my business in private.

Annabeth Chase: It that Time Magazine?

(Reyna hides the magazine behind her back.)

Reyna: No. Out.

(Annabeth gets up and walks out of bathroom. She gets very weird glances from Octavian who was ripping a poor teddy bear.)

Annabeth Chase: Do you have a problem, octopus?

(Octavian goes back to stabbing a teddy bear.)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Scene three:

(All the gods start talking at once)

Zeus: Enough!

Poseidon: Yeah!

(Zeus looks flatly at Poseidon.)

Athena: Hades, you here for one thing, and one thing only. YOU'RE SON IS A SCUM!

Hades: I think not! Rainbow pony’s are horrible!

Athena: They were unicorns. Not pony's.

Hades: Whatever!

Athena: Get my daughter out of the Roman place! Tell you're son NOW!

Poseidon: Don't worry. I think Percy will be great at that. Any moment now.....

(they wait.) (10 minutes later....)

Poseidon: We all know he'll do it, okay?!

Athena: I don't want that sea scum touching my daughter anyway.

Poseidon: Who you calling sea scum?!

Athena: You're son, idiot.

Hades: Well, this is boring. Good bye.

(Hades poofs into black smoke and disappears.)

Athena: Father, you're brothers are absolute idiots.

Zeus: I know. I know.

Okay! There you go guys. Theres the first 3 scenes to Truth or Dare. Tell me if you had a laugh!!! And, please comment if you have any ideas! :-)

Jason: No! This is bad...

Me: Don't be such a baby.

Jason: Me? Baby? Pff, yeah right.

Piper: You so are.

Me & Piper: Yay! Go women!

Anyway, please comment, vote, and....well, you know what to do. LOL. Quetion of the day:

What's you favourite charater of the 7 and/or Nico?

Okay, I should really stop talking now. Bye-bye!

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