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Ello, everyone!!! I said I'd promise to update today, and, HERE IT IS! YAY! This chapter is dedicated to @perlamendez because she was an AWESOME/WONDERFUL person to comment!!!! (I love comments) and also to give me ideas!!!!!!! YAY! Thanks again for the ideas! The truth will be up in a different chapter....this is the dare you gave me! ;)

Okay, lets start this.

Percy: WHY?! WHY US?!

Me: Because it is awesome.

Nico: How can the Aphrodite’s LIKE pink?!

Percy: Why can't you do nice fanfic stories?!

Me: Because. I want to finish the one I have now.

Nico: I mean look at them!

Leo: Yeah, but why us?

Me: Because!

Nico: It's just hideous!

Percy, Leo, and me: SHUT UP NICO!

Nico: No! I won't! fat-cat_skinny-kitty, YOU made Annabeth put them there, I hate pink, she's Percy's girlfriend, and Leo.........I just like annoying him. I have the perfect right to be mad and complain.

Percy, Leo, and me: *mutters *: Smart side of him....behold!

Nico: Sorry, what was that?

Percy, Leo, and me: Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Nico: That's what I thought.

~ ~ ~ ~

Scene one:

Piper McLean: Okay, now that I'm calm from laughter, Leo, it's you're turn.

Leo Valdez: Jason! Truth or dare?

Jason Grace: Dare, Leo.

(Leo grins evilly. Jason gets very scared.)

Leo Valdez: I dare you to singed off all the Aphrodite’s eyebrows off with lightning.

(Jason stares at Leo in absolute disbelief. Leo sends a fun grin. Jason glares.)

Jason Grace: Fine. But, I'm not doing it to Piper.

(Piper lets her breath go. Jason smiles at her. They were about to kiss when Leo kicks Jason out. Literally. Leo kicked his butt, and Jason falls down the steps of the porch. Everyone laughs.)

Jason Grace: You will pay, Leo! Pay I tell you!

Leo Valdez: How much? A penny?

(Jason glares at Leo again. He gets off his butt and walks towards the pink-perfumed Aphrodite’s cabin. He summons lightning and hits the Aphrodite cabin, just to make sure the eyebrows of the dressy Aphrodite’s are eyebrow-less. He hear screams, and then someone yell: 'Lightning! It's Jason!' Then, very angry looking eyebrow-less Aphrodite kids run out, chasing Jason, throwing heels, lipsticks, purses, hairbrushes (that idea came from Rachel), etc. Jason fly's up into the air, but a Aphrodite boy caught his foot and flew up with him. Jason flew over the ocean, with a screaming, angry, Aphrodite boy on his leg. The boy starts hitting Jason. Jason falls. The kid lets go and falls into the water, quickly getting away from Jason. He yells something at him in greek/or latin, and Jason comes out of the water wearing a pink fluffy princess dress. Nico laughs, but still has a look of disgust on his face. Everything was recorded by Leo.)

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