Chapter Nine

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          I woke up late that morning, around noon. Madame Pomfrey release me. I disagreed, but didn't argue.

          There wasn't any excitement all day. Nothing. Until Dumbledore showed up around seven. He told me to follow him to his office, considering I wasn't on my deathbed.  Madame Pomfrey put up quite a fight.

          "Dumbledore! Gwenyth isn't well! She needs to stay!" shouted Madame Pomfrey.

           "Gwenyth's visions are the result of Voldemort (Madame Pomfrey winced when Dumbledore said his name.) getting inside of her head. She needs to relearn Occulmency so Voldemort can't do anything to harm her. Considering she isn't on her deathbed, she needs to come now!"  I had never heard Dumbledore raise his voice before, but apparently Madame Pomfrey had, because she only nodded.

           "You're free to go Gwen," said Madame Pomfrey. Dumbledore didn't waste a second. He charged as fast as one could walk out of the hospital wing. He walked so fast I had to jog to keep up. He rounded the corner, and the two stone gargoyles in front of a wall marker the entrance to his office.

           "Acid Pops," said Dumbledore. The stone gargoyles sprang to life, revealing a thin staircase within the wall. Dumbledore lead me up the steps, to a wood paneled door. He opened it, and lead me into the office.

          On one wall, there was wooden cabinet with a stone bowl. The bowl had a silver mist hovering above it. There was a wooden table with a bunch of silver contraptions, all looking very odd. Dumbledore sat in his cushioned office chair, and invited me to sit in a smaller, wooden chair.

             "As you heard me telling Madame Pomfrey, Voldemort is using the connection you two have had for years to manipulate your mind, or make you see visions. He could, and probably will, use this as a weapon later on. Like he did in the Hospital Wing, when he tried to force you to kill Miss Granger."

               "Don't remind me," I mumbled. I already felt bad enough for almost killing my sister.

               "Which leads me to, Occulmency," Dumbledore continued, as if I said nothing. "It is the magic of blocking visions from your mind. I will be having Professor Snape reteach you this skill." I moaned, a little louder that. I should have, because Dumbledore became cross.

             "No offense to Professor Snape sir," I started. "But the last time he tried to teach me Occulmency, it ended with him telling me I was hopeless, and he wouldn't teach me another lesson again."

             "Well, in this situation, I'm afraid that Professor Snape will have no choice but to teach. I convinced him just last night to teach you."

              "I will learn from Professor Snape sir, if his does a better job of teaching than last time."

              "Oh, I assure you he will. Now, off to lunch Gwen. Wouldn't want to miss another meal, would you?" I shook my head and smiled at Professor Dumbledore. I left his office and rushed to lunch, to tell Hermione and Ginny what just happened.

               After lunch, which was only another three minutes, I went to my last lessons of the day, Charms and DADA, again. I was already pissed off enough about the fact that Snape had to teach me Occulmency again, so I really didn't want to deal with that Umbridge woman today.

               Charms wasn't so bad. I was actually in an okay mood for DADA. That didn't last long.

               Umbridge walked in late, again. She told us there would be no need for our wands today, and half of the class put away their wands. We read our chapter for the day, and left with yet another essay for Monday. I ran off to diner, and ate everything in sight. I was on the dessert when I realized something.

                I had detention with Snape at six.

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