Chapter Four

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         We all filed into the Great Hall, to wait for the Sorting. We all took our seats at the Gryfindor table. I sat in between Ron and George, Ron talking to Hermione, and George talking with Fred over plans for their joke shop.

         The Great Hall was full of the buzz of chatter between groups of friends. I sat staring at the doors, waiting for the first years to file in. My request was soon fulfilled when the nervous first years, lead by Professor McGonagall, walked down the center of the hall, and stood in a long line. Filch brought out the Sorting Hat, who looked lifeless on the stool. The hall was now very silent. The Sorting Hat sprung to life, and began it's song.

In times of old
when I was new
And Hogwarts
barely started,
The founders of our
noble school
Thought never to
be parted.

United by a
common goal,
They had the
selfsame yearning,
To make the
world's best magic school
And pass along
their learning.

"Together we will
build and teach"
The four good
friends decided,
And never did they
dream that they
Might someday be

For were there
such friends
as Slytherin and
Unless it was the
second pair
Of Hufflepuff and

So how could it
have gone so
How could such
friendships fail
Why, I was there,
so I can tell
the whole sad,
sorry tale.

Said Slytherin,
"we'll teach just
whose ancestry's
Said Ravenclaw,
"we'll teach those
Intelligence is the

Said Gryfindor,
"We'll teach all
With brave deeds
to their name."
Said Hufflepuff "I'll
teach the lot
and treat them just
the same."

These differences
caused little strife
When first they
came to light.
For each of the four
founders had
A house in which
they might.

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