Chapter One

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          I was in a windowless corridor, in the Department of Mysteries. I was striding towards the door, reaching out for the handle. As I reached the door, I turned the door knob, but it wouldn't open. I was very angry at the door. People began to yell. I ran away from the door....
            I shot up from my bed, in the room I shared with Hermione. I screamed because the scar across my face was giving off a searing pain that spread throughout my head. Hermione heard the scream, and jolted out of her bed to me.

           "Gwen! What the bloody hell happened?" Hermione yelled.

           "Voldemort..." Hermione shuddered at the sound of his name. "He is angry. At a door, in the Department of Mysteries." The words were flowing out of my mouth, even though I didn't know why I knew this. "He wants it open, but he can't get in. I don't know why." Hermione considered this for a moment, sitting with her hand supporting her head.

          "Well, if it's in the Department of Mysteries, and that is in the Ministry, then he can't get in there without a Pollyjuice potion. Did he take one?"

           "I don't know. I see it all through his eyes, so I can't tell what his appearance was."

          "Well, try to sleep Gwen." I nodded and laid back down. I fell asleep before long, a vision-less sleep.

          I woke up late in the morning, around ten. Hermione and our parents were already up making breakfast when I stumbled into the kitchen. My parents greeted me, and I grunted. I wasn't a morning person.

          "We were told the Weasleys are coming around five to pick you up for the summer. After breakfast go ahead and pack your trunks." We both nodded and ate our breakfast of porridge. We snarfed down our food, and then ran up to our second floor bedroom to pack. Hermione and I rushed around the room, throwing each other clothes. We were packed within the hour, and waited anxiously for the Weasleys. At five o'clock, when they picked us up, we waved goodbye to our parents.

          "Hello Arthur," Hermione said.

          "Hi Molly," I added.

           "It's very nice to see you girls," Molly said. "Just so you know, we will not be at the Burrow for this summer."

            "Where are we going?" Hermione asked.

          "Just wait and see," Arthur replied. He stepped on the gas, and the car moved forward.

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