Chapter Thirty

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         That whole morning, I realized how much I enjoyed people. I sat in the tiny room, alone. At least while I was in the Hospital Wing, I had Madame Pomfrey to keep me company. But in this room, I am alone.

          It smelled of dust and mildew. The books on the shelf had probably 50 bazillion layers of dust. The cot was surprisingly comfortable, but I couldn't sleep.

          After breakfast, I got a meal, a loose pair of jeans, and an old, ratty t-shirt. I had also gotten my toothbrush and paste, soap, and a book from my trunk. I threw on the jeans and shirt, and washed my hair in the sink. After that was done, I ate my food and prepared myself for another three hours before I saw a human.

         I was laying in the bed, reading my book. I couldn't concentrate, mainly because I apparently had been trapped in visions for the last month. And nobody could see me awake. I had been snatched from the bed as soon as Umbridge turned her back.

         I was actually starting to like Snape. I was fairly surprised he helped me. Maybe it was for my mother. People say I am a spitting image of her.

         Somehow, Snape doesn't upset me. I mean, a normal person should be upset, because he has put me through hell the last five years, but I am happy he's helping me.  I'm happy the professors care enough to keep me hidden from Umbridge.

         About four hours later, I hear the rhythm of the Hogwarts theme being knocked at my door. I prepare my wand and open the door.

         McGonagall stood outside the door. She quickly came in and shut the door. She handed me my bag with food and about half of my lessons.

         "Thank you Professor," I said.

         "It is not a problem Gwenyth. I am sorry to let you know, but this is the last time you will actually see a person for a while."

         I paused. I have been bored and lonely without human interaction for the last four hours. How am I going to survive possibly the rest of term?! "Why?" was all I could say in the moment.

         "Because Professor Umbridge is onto us," she said. "She suspects we all had something to do with your disappearance, and she is going to desperate measures to find you."

         I started to panic. If Umbridge was willing to do anything to find me, I know she is going to find me. I am getting sent to Azkaban before the term is over.

         "Is there anything you can do to keep her out?" I asked.

          "No. We have muted the walls of this room and disguised the door as part of the wall. But if she notices the gap between the door frame and the door, then there is nothing we can do."

          "Okay," I said.

          "I really have to be going now. Please enjoy your lunch." McGonagall turned to open the door. "I am sorry." McGonagall walked through the open door, and then shut it behind her.

          That was the last time I saw any humans for almost two months. Everyday was the same. I would get my breakfast and soap in the morning, my lunch and some lessons at noon, and dinner, clean clothes, and the rest of my lessons in the evenings. I would finish everything and try to sleep. I would have horrible visions of someone I love being killed or tortured by Voldemort, wake up screaming, stay awake until dawn, and repeat the process.

          Eventually, I was starting to go crazy. Not like 'person with insane cackle or person who hears voices' crazy. I was going crazy from no sleep. I couldn't think straight, I could barely function, and if this kept up, I would be certainly dead by May.

          I tried not to think about it. But it was the hardest thing ever. I couldn't get my brain to think of anything else.

         One day in early March, I was reading another book when there was a knock on my door. I sat still, not daring to move a muscle. The doorknob turned, and I quietly grabbed my wand, preparing to stun the person at the door.

          The door cracked open. My hand was shaking so badly that my wand would never be able to hit whoever I was aiming at.

         A tuft of red hair poked through the gap. I put down my wand and sighed in relief.

          George came inside my room and closed the door. He smiled like an insane idiot and was practically bounding to me.

           I beat him to it, launching myself onto him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He trapped me in a hug.
          "I missed you," I whispered into his neck. "Hell, I missed people in general, but I'm happy I get to see you."

         "Everyone is really worried about you. Nobody told us where you went. Hermione went ballistic when she went down to the Hospital Wing and you were gone."

         I began to take in how tired he looked. His eyes had dark circles underneath them, and he hasn't cracked a single joke since he got here.

         But as usual, he read my mind and beat me to the question. "Have you slept at all?"

         "No," I admitted. "The bastard without a nose hasn't left me alone. I can't even close my eyes anymore."

         "I'm really sorry," he said.

          "How did you find this place?" I asked. "McGonagall said you wouldn't be able to find it."

         "I borrowed the Marauder's Map from your brother. Everyone needed to know where you were."

          "You had better go George. I can't risk Umbridge finding you. Just promise me one thing."


         "Don't tell anyone where I am. And don't let Harry have the map back. Just hide it in the bottom of your trunk. I can't risk anyone spilling to Umbridge where I am."

         "I promise." He kissed me for what I thought would be the last time. He ducked out the door, shutting the outside world out with the door.

         But there was something everyone had forgotten about. Right before George had closed the door, a small bug slipped into the room. It watched as Gwen went back to her bed and picked up her book. It flew onto a bookshelf and waited.

          Once night fell, it watched as Gwen thrashed around in her sleep, Voldemort shooting her visions like a gun shoots a bullet.

          The bug flew the a dark corner of the room. It waited until Gwen had awoken again, and then transformed.

           Where there was a bug now stood a short, stout woman with an 8 inch wand and an annoyingly high voice. The woman was wearing robes of lavender, and had a matching hat.

          Gwen awoke once more, not noticing the figure in the corner. She was about to start crying when she heard a voice that made her freeze in fear.

           "I found you."

The Unknown Potter [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora