Chapter Thirty-Three

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          Hey parchment. It's me again. Things in Azkaban are getting worse. I've had a few close calls with my animigus. I can't wander out of my cell anymore, because security is slowly increasing since the breakout. It is starting to get too risky to transform.

         I don't know how my longer I can transform. There are less dementors and more humans everyday. Soon, I think the dementors will be restricted to the basement where all the extremely dangerous people are kept. I don't know how much longer I can survive like this.

         Now we don't even get food. They give us slop in the morning. That's it. For the first time, I can see my ribs every time I change my shirt. I look so thin, so unhealthy. But that is the least of my concerns.  If I don't get out of here soon, I don't know what is going to happen. I don't even want to think about it.

          I have to go. The hoard of humans is coming.

          I sat at my desk in my secluded office. I heard a few of the Headmaster's portraits cursing my name. But that's alright. They will stop once they see I am doing nothing but great things for this school.

         By introducing a Ministry-approved curriculum, the children are learning more than they ever did with whatever teacher they may have had before. Especially that filthy half-breed. He must have corrupted these children's minds. I hope they'll realize I am actually saving them, instead of damaging them as they insist.

         And then I also sent the Potter brat to Azkaban! I don't think anyone realizes it, but I just saved their arses! She had three respected people in this school under the Imperius Curse, and she had been working with the Dark Lord! It is preposterous that everyone around me is shunning me for sending her to the stronghold. They don't realize she belongs there.

         I'm especially having problems with that Weasley boy. He has been constantly losing his temper in my class. I just don't know what to do with him. Even his younger brother has the sense to keep it together.

         I decided to make my rounds. Now that it is after school hours, I should be able to catch some students doing stuff they are not supposed to be doing. I started towards the Gryffindor Common Room first, knowing there would most likely be students to be caught.

         I gave the password to the Fat Lady, who reluctantly let me in. I walked through the passageway to The Common Room.

        Most students had gone to bed at this point. But there were three working by candle light at a side table, and another three working by light from the fireplace at the main table.
         "How's this look guys?" Potter asked his little friends. The other two boys, both Weasleys, took a piece of parchment from his hand and read over it.

        "It looks good mate," the younger Weasley said. "That ought to convince Wizengamont."

        I honed in on the conversation from the fireplace. There were many books spread all over the couches. There were three girls, Weasley, Malfoy, and Granger. They were all pouring over a longer piece of parchment.

        "Hey, look at this. It's a list of laws Wizengamont has to follow," Malfoy said. "Look what's number three."

         "All wizards and witches shall be given a fair trial," the other two girls read in excitement. Granger started scribbling on the parchment.

         "Heh hem."

         "Heh hem
         "Oh bloody hell!" I thought. This could not be happening! First we get caught with the DA, and now we are getting caught trying to help get Gwen out of Azkaban! This could not be worse!

         "What are you children doing?" the filthy traitor of a woman asked us. Nobody had an answer. We had no idea how much she had heard.

         "Come with me to my office," she said. "And bring everything you are working on."

         We all trudged to Dumbledore's office, carrying books and parchment. I walked in the back with Hermione. Everyone else walked in front of us.

        "I'm sorry Hermione," I whispered. "You were right. We should have stayed in our dorm rooms. We wouldn't have been caught otherwise."

         "It's okay Ginny," she replied. "We would have been caught eventually. At least we have your father working with the Wizengamont. Sure, he doesn't have the influence Dumbledore does, but he should be able to convince them. Once he does, there are others who will work on her testimony. I'm sure most of Hogwarts would love to help."

         "I hope you're right Hermione. Because if we don't get her out, she is going to turn out like the Longbottoms."

         We were in front of the gargoyles far too soon. "Let us hope she won't Gin," Hermione whispered, nearly crying.

         Umbridge led us up to the office. A couple of Headmaster's started booing. I was silently applauding them. I smiled at the few, and they winked in return.

          "Shut up the three of you!" Umbridge shouted. The three just started snickering.

          Umbridge snatched the books and parchment from us. And she started reading them aloud.

         "Rule number three: Wizengamont laws. Unsupported cause. No trial. One word against many. Minor affected by Dark Lord. Please, someone explain this to me."
         "I was writing notes for my sister's trial!" Hermione spat.

          "A trial which she will never receive. And this letter? What is this?"

          She was so calm that it was really starting to piss me off. "That is a letter begging Wizengamont to follow their own damn code of conduct and allow Gwen a trial!" I yelled.

          Umbridge started laughing. I almost clocked her in the jaw. "You think you six will be able to convince a committee of some of the most powerful wizards and witches to allow your sister a trial?! You are all pathetic!"

          She continued laughing. I saw George clench his fists. I glared at him and slapped his hand. He unclenched his hand, his palm revealing deep nail marks.

          "You will all have this material confiscated. You will have Madame Pince approve every book you pull off that shelf. And it will be by my list. And you all will serve detention with me for the next month."

         She shooed us out of her office. I immediately slammed my fist into a statue. But being the irrational idiot I am, I broke my hand.

         I shook it off and walked with the others to the Common Room. I would get it fixed tomorrow. For now, we needed to work around our new limits.

          "Okay," I said once we got back. Square one. Let's get started."

         I shot awake in my cell, drenched in a cold sweat. I had my first vision in over two months. And I went into a full out panic attack.

         If Voldemort wasn't lying to me, my sister would be dead in less than two days.

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