Chapter Six

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           Once I reached History of Magic, I pulled out my parchment and quill, ready to take notes. I was bored as soon as Professor Binns started talking, but managed to stay focused. Hermione would have killed me otherwise. I did fall asleep at one point, and Hermione kicked me under the table.

           "Hey! Gwen!" Hermione whispered. "Wake up!" I shot awake, knocking over my ink bottle. Professor Binns told me to clean it up in his droning voice. I cleaned it up and borrowed Hermione's extra bottle. Class only lasted another five minutes, and we had a break afterwards, so I went out to a space under a balcony to think.

           Unfortunately, that break didn't last long enough, and I was in no rush to get to Double Potions. I hurried down the hallway anyway, because I wasn't stupid enough to be late.

           Harry sat near the back, with Hermione and Ron in front of him. I moved towards the edge of the room, away from Harry.  Professor Snape walked in a minute afterwards. He told everyone to settle down, and the room was doused in an immediate silence, and everyone looked up at Snape. He gave us a warning about the upcoming O.W.L. for Potions. He said he would only accept those with an Outstanding on their O.W.L. After the warning, he started class.

            "Today we will be making a potion that often comes up at Ordinary Wizarding Level, the Draught of Peace," said Snape. I sat up a little straighter, because I knew how difficult this potion was. Snape said something about this potion putting someone in an irreversible sleep if we did it wrong. Snape waved his wand to open the store cupboards, and put the instructions on the board, and left us with a hour and a half.

            I was working away, adding ingredients and stirring until I saw Snape walking around. I looked at the directions even more closely, to be sure I missed nothing, and I kept working. Snape walked by and looked into my cauldron. He merely stuck up his nose.

            "Gwen, why isn't your potion the exact hue it should be? You added the last ingredient minutes ago." Snape sneered, waiting for an answer.

          "Actually, while you were criticizing Nevile's potion, I added the final ingredient. The potion hasn't finished simmering yet," I stated calmly. Too calmly.

           "Ten points from Gryfindor, and detention, with me, Friday evening, six o'clock." Snape walked away, and started harassing Harry. I groaned. It was only the first day of lessons, and I had already landed myself a detention with Snape. That was just brilliant.

          Snape started reprimanding Harry because he forgot to add the hellebore. Hermione looked over at me, with a look of sympathy. The bell rang after I bottled and corked my potion, cleaned my area, and packed my bags. I left with an essay on moonstones for Thursday.

           "Bloody hell!" I thought. "Snape already giving me detention, taken away points, and I still have Divination and that Umbridge woman." I sighed. On top of this, Harry still wasn't speaking to me. This was going to be the worst school year yet.

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