The not so purest

Sorry I'm with Chris today !!!

The prettiest 😊

Chrissssssssssss !!! ^^^ 😃 They probably gonna fuck !!!

The femnist :

Lmao Eva !!!

Vildevilde :

Seriously ?! You're always with him 😐

You can't leave him for two hours ?!

Sana-bad-bitch :

Please, At least she does not show us by their love before us !!!

Vildevilde :

Magnus and I are an expressive couple!!!

Chris-twinname 😉 😝 :

You only have to take my twin with you ?!😝 I missed him ^^

The not so purest :

Sorry but Chris is leaving tonight so there will be nothing that will change my mind! Love you ❤

The feminist :

Wait I want to ask u something...

The not so purest :

Yeah bae ?! ^^

The feminist :

Hm ... did ... did Chris ever hear news from William?!

The not so purest :

I... uh... I could ask him if you want ?!

The feminist :

No, no, it's okay...

The not so purest :

Kay ! Love you girlie ❤ ❤

The feminist :

Love u too ❤ ❤

I was blocking my screen again by letting it fall on the side of the bed before I put my eyes on Chris again just to arch an eyebrow with a slow smile as I realized he was looking at me.

"I thought you fell asleep?"

"I was distracted." He replied with a smile on his lips as he looked at me with attention making me roll my eyes.

I took his face in my hands by pulling it lightly towards me to connect our lips before giving him a questioning look. " Breakfast ? "

Chris immediately left a weary groan as he rolled over his side before giving me a mischievous look. "Does that mean we have to get up?"

The purest - Chris Schistad #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now