Act 39.

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Mandag 15:10

"I love dresses with pockets." Eva said absent-mindedly, pointing to one of her closet dresses.
"It look hot." Accepted Noora with a nod.

It seems that Eskild had decided to help a charming refugee. Translation, he thought he was gay and wanted to impress him to sleep with. That was not really what I liked most about Noora's roommate but there was Eskild.

So Eva was now making her closet to help Eskild's cause and unconsciously that of Noora.
It would seem that I was not the only one who needed distraction.

"It starts to sing when you have your cellphone in it." Eva explained, causing me to raise my head from my book since I was standing against the redhead's headboard while Noora was lying full length beside me. "But this is ugly. "

"No, nothing is ugly. It's just a little... "Noora dragged thoughtfully making me raise my eyebrows to the back of the blonde head in expectation.

" Bye bye."

I shook my head with a small smile on the redhead as she threw the dress into the pile to give before turning to her clothes rail. "So what did you do with your Sunday, Celeste? You were completely missing. "

I immediately bit my lip, glancing at Noora's head before I clumsily scraped my throat. "I was at William's. "

Obviously, Noora immediately turned to me with a start causing me to immediately avoid her gaze to meet Eva's. "I still can't believe you're friends. You are so..."

" Different." Completed Noora by threw me a sharp look, letting me swallow before turning away my eyes again.

"I needed advice. "

Noora sniffed at once in disbelief as Eva turned again to me in amusement. "From William? What could you possibly need advice from William ?"

Noora straightened up immediately pointing Eva as a sign of agreement making me look nervously between the two. That was it. That was the moment when I told them the truth.

"About Chris ?" I answered, pulling a lock of hair behind my ear before turning away my eyes as I continued in an audible whisper. "And a possible kiss turning in second base ?"

"Holy Shit ! "

"What the fuck, Céleste ?" Exclaimed Noora at the same time as Eva visibly less excited than the redhead as she stared at me open-mouthed.

Eva immediately dropped her sort as she rushed to her bed before asking a multitude of questions at once. "No. fucking. Way. When? Why? How? Wow, second base? It's was good? Are you together now? "

Noora sniffed at the last part with disdain before giving me a look of reprimand. "He's a fuckboy, Céleste."

"He is also a human being." I reminded myself with a frown in the direction of the blonde not feeling really like being judged.

Especially by Noora. I didn't want to think differently of the blonde but I thought that of all the girls, she would be the one that would understand me the best.

Anyway, I shook my head before giving a nervous look on Eva to her ecstatic expression.

I told them in detail about the evening of Friday before looking anxiously at their reactions.
Noora seemed a little less reluctant on the subject since I had also shown them the messages while Eva seemed right on a cloud.

"Oh my god, you need a ship name." Exclaimed the redhead, taking my hands, making me give her a puzzled look to her thoughtful air."Célechris ? Chriséleste ? Nah... hum ..."

The purest - Chris Schistad #WattPrideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang