Act 1

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Away get away
You're such a freak
It's what people say to me
Different, too different
I'm scared of judgement
Your insults and your slenders sticked on to me 

Yes with your million eyes you're watching me.
You talk behind my back, you spy on me
So I scream and shout to make you leave
But you're still here, you keep judging me
With your million eyes 

Drowning I'm drowning in that clown's mask
To make you laugh at my thousand flaws
Alone when I'm all alone I take my smile off
But your heartless words have left me scars 

Onsdag 12 :00

People seemed to move in a slow motion around me as I focused only on the bass dynamiting in my ears. The lyrics touching my pace of thought more deeply than I would have imagined.
My lips were wrinkled as I recognized each word with a certain sense of knowledge.

See, I was not depressed or anything but I knew perfectly well the feeling of intimidation. Physical and emotional pain.

It was actually my daily life.

I knew that bullying should now be abolished since we were in 2016 but it was Hartvig Nissens Skole. We were not in America and yet we had more clichés than an American high school. There were the Jerks, the loosers, the popular ones, and better still, a whole new species. The Fuckboy.

More commonly known as the Penetrators, they were that large group of boys ranging from sixteen to eighteen years old. We could recognize them by their large black hooded sweatshirts.

On the front there was the simple logo of the Penetrators but it was the back that had a real meaning.

All the names of the group were printed in white letter except the owner of the sweat. It was written in red. Anyway, we rarely see a Penetrator with his sweatshirt. Generally, they were on the backs of poor girls they had fucked the day before.

Sad and depressing you will tell me and yet it was my reality.

Personally, I did not really care about their activities. I had something else to do. Like being pushed into the corridors for example.

"Watch out, you whore!" Insulted my daily scourge over her shoulder.

This person was better known as Iben. A second year and current girlfriend of one of the Penetrator. I really could not remember the first name of her boyfriend thought.

However, I did not really have much more time as I sank down to the ground to recover the mess that Iben had caused in her path. I was trying as best I could to pick up all of my homework having slipped from my binder on impact before they were crushed by people walking blindly on it.

I knew I could have answered something or even acted but it was not in my temperament. Plus, I had suffered enough since the last year to know that it would serve no purpose. Iben was like one of the queens at Nissens and I did not have enough energy in me to waste my time on her.

Actually all I was concerned about was finishing high school with good grades in hopes of integrating a big university after that.

My parents were known for their intelligences and successes and I definitely wanted to be at their heights. Even if I was not, in my opinion.

Sometimes I liked to think I was someone else. Someone more sociable, prettier and above all more assertive. In other words, my opposite.

I left a heavy sigh at this thought as I got up from the dusty floor of the hallway with my binder firmly tight against my chest before putting back a strand of brown hair fell behind my ear.

The purest - Chris Schistad #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now