Act 37.

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Thanks again for all the follow-ups, voted, and comments !!!

I update this chapter with a little surprise inside for you !

It was the longest episode of Season 2 and I think it's also the longest chapter in my story so I hope you like it ;)

Mandag 16: 00

I couldn't believe it all happened in a rush for me. I still remember hooking up with Christoffer, which to be honest was both exciting and scary for me and now I found myself surrounded by my group of girlfriends climbing a snowy hill.

It was the Easter break and Chris offered to take a trip to her grandmother's cabin.

The girls kept complaining and blowing the length of the ride while I was relatively calm. Mainly because I had the mind busy with the thought of a boring boy.

When I woke up Saturday morning with a huge headache and a dry mouth, he was nowhere to be seen.

Obviously, you think I panicked and you're right. Only, it was until I saw the little note of paper on my desk.

Apparently Chris had not wanted to retry my little episode of panic the last time I woke up by his side.

Not to mention that my family was still at home and that apparently my mother had almost discovered us.

So he walked out the window with the promise of sending me a message as soon as he got home.

And he held it.

Unfortunately, I had been too disturbed by the latest events to answer him. Although if I had to be honest, it didn't stop him from trying to contact me repeatedly.

And to top it all, he had also rallied William to his cause since the tall brown had not stopped sending me messages in turn to ask me to answer his boring best friend.

His messages had made me rather laugh I had to admit it. Especially when they created this chat group between us three.

Anyway, I was soon to go back to reality as I noticed a young boy suddenly standing in front of us.

"Hi ! " I cheerfully saluted unconscious of the frightened state of the girls by the previous statement of the brown as they gave me glances over their shoulders causing me to shrug my shoulders before handing my hand to the boy to squeeze. "I am Céleste. "

The boy looked at my hand with wide eyes as if he was actually afraid to take it, making me smile gently in his direction to try to reassure him. "Not a fan of contacts? It's okay. "

"Okayyyy, that's enough of kindness for today." Intervened Chris as she tied her arm with mine before shooting me with her away from the boy.

The girls hurried to follow us before declaring in unison that he was frightening when he declared that his name was Kasper.

The girls and I ended up separating in the cabin to settle down, letting me unpack my suitcase.

Finally after what seemed like hours of unpacking, I decided to join the girls in the living room.

They were already drinking and chatting out of boredom letting me smile as I let myself fall heavily head upside down on one of the sofas with a book in hand.

My initial plan was to cut myself off from any social networks on this trip and just enjoy my friends. And I thought that it started rather well only it was without counting on Noora and her talent as a photographer.

The purest - Chris Schistad #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now