Act 22.

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Torsdag 13: 08

"Nei, nei, look, it's not like that ! " I chuckled over Adam's shoulder as I tried to retrieve his phone to prevent this disaster.

Adam immediately prevented me by pushing my hand away with a corner smile, causing us to laugh in amusement at once.

However, a slight scraping of throat struck me as I briefly raised my eyes from the screen of Adam before I leaned again on the shoulder of the big brown. "Hi, Noor. What's up ? "

"Noor ?" Repeated the blonde to my ridiculous nickname before shooting me by the arm to get my full attention. " We have a problem. "

" A problem ? What ?" I asked immediately with a slight frown now as Adam stopped his game to look at us expectantly.

Noora looked between us in uncertainty before chewing on her lower lip as she turned back to me. "Iben dumped Chris and she invited our bus to a girl power party or something like that. "

"Iben? The Iben ?" I replied with wide eyes before quickly shaking my head. " Impossible. She ... uh, Noora, I don't think I can go. "

Adam came closer to our duet before giving me an intrigued look. " Why this ? "

I immediately made a pause in my exchange with Noora to watch the confused big brown with my pleated lips before raising an eyebrow as I spotted the rest of the girls walking in our direction.

"Hi, Adam !" Eva greeted as she stopped at Noora's side before giving a perplexed look between the blonde and me. " Something is wrong ? "

Noora folded her red lips, looking at me in the understanding before shrugging her shoulders as she turned to the rest of the girls. "I was just telling Céleste about tomorrow's party."

"Yeah and I was just going to tell her I couldn't come." I quickly got a broad look from Noora while the girls displayed sulky mines.

Well, except Chris who seemed to lick her spoon at the moment, devouring Adam with her eyes.

I shook my head on the brunette before turning to Sana at her annoyed frown. "How that : you not coming ? You have to come. Vilde has already deserted the group if you don't come then people will not take us seriously. "

"I still don't understand the importance of buses." Adam blew in my side making me give him a comprehensive look before shaking my head again on the girls.

"I have a family dinner. It's really important." I explained gesticulating nervously.

Technically this was not a lie. Except that we dined every evening as a family.

I soon felt a hand on my shoulder making me bend an eyebrow on Adam just to see the brown look nervously in the direction of Chris.

I left a smile on my lips before returning my eyes again to Eva. "Can you cancel ? Your parents seem pretty cool. "

"I-" I grinned as I gave a distressed look at Noora receiving a similar expression from the latter before sighing in defeat. "I'll see what I can do."


Fredag ​​19: 52

The party was in full swing. We were a small group and the people seemed in a good mood. Most of the girls wore Christmas hats, including me and a boy was doing a rap solo to brighten up the mood.

Everyone was drinking and laughing as they celebrated the approaching Christmas break, letting me share a big smile with Noora.

Being a Christian, I had always loved this time of the year. My family was always doing the big thing and this year was not going to break the rule.

We had already planned a whole bunch of festivities. The first for me was the arrival of most of the distant members of my family.

I already knew that as soon as the break would begin the house would be full and packed with excitement.

In other words, this period was not the most relaxing for me.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Exclaimed Noora at my side, making me smile aside.

"The next festivities. Christmas is really important to us." I explained, leaning lightly on her.

Noora grinned at the mere thought before nodding her head. "I bet it does. Christmas parties with the Nogen. It must be a kind of greatness. "

"What are you doing for the holidays ?" I asked with a broad smile evoking a weaker mood of the blonde.

She shrugged her shoulders, taking a sip from her glass before giving me a weak smile. "I guess I'll pass it with Eskild and Linn. "

I nodded my head, wrinkling my lips in my thoughts before I straightened up with a broad smile."Or you could all come at my home? Mom always makes this big party for at least three days and there is always too much food. "

"Really? I'd have to talk about it with Eskild and Linn." Noora answered immediately in excitement making me giggle slightly at her eagerness. "I'll send them a text now. "

I watched the blonde do exactly that when suddenly the bell rang. I hardly lifted my eyes from Noora as I suddenly spotted Vilde falling face first on the ground. "Oh my God, Vilde! "

I immediately jumped on my feet with Noora, Sana and Chris before rushing on the blonde beside Iben.

"I'll get Eva." Noora immediately declared as I knelt beside Sana as she tried to wake Vilde.

"What happened? "

"She came in, started staggering, and then she tripped." Iben quickly explained in panic.

I looked at Sana in a panic as I held on Vilde's hand in panic. "She's not responding. "
"Is your mom home? "

"No, no!" Eva answered immediately.

I nodded my head as Sana asked me to help her lift Vilde before I kept close to the two girls as we rushed outside.

We walked all the way back to the house of Eva before rushing into the basement of the redhead.

We dropped Vilde on Eva's bed as Noora called the emergencies in the hope of getting advice while Eva handed us a bucket

I stood back with my arms crossed over my chest as Sana followed Noora's instructions and struck Vilde's cheek in hopes of getting a reaction.

The next choice was to make her vomit so I immediately helped Eva, Chris and Sana to make vomit the platinum blonde.

She finally vomited in the bucket letting us all breathe with laughter of relief as Vilde sat on Sana.

Obviously, that was until she continued to vomit on Sana leaving us all giggling under the disgusted look of Sana.

The latter astonished us all the same as she rubbed the back of Vilde before forcing her to drink a glass of water.

I took Sana's place as she walked over to Eva's bathroom to clean herself. I helped the girls to lengthen Vilde in a more comfortable position before leaning against Eva's headboard with a sigh.

The girls soon joined me around the blonde with amused looks on Vilde leaving me shaking my head in amusement.

"Crazy party, eh ?" Eva commented in amusement making me shake my head again.

I brushed Vilde's hair watching her carefully letting me enjoy the laughter of the girls around me before sticking more to the blonde as Sana joined us.

I let a new burst of laughter as the task of fitting all six was more of a feat than anything else.

I shared a last smile with Noora as she straightened up to turn off the light before closing my eyelids. " Good night girls. "

Nevertheless, it was without counting on the sudden intervention of Vilde. "I think I killed William's baby tonight. "

The purest - Chris Schistad #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now