The Sixteen Finalist II

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Chapter 136: The Sixteen Finalists (II)

Li Xin could also see how bitter Long Haochen's face was, and said some words to comfort him: "... Now is not the time to think about these matters, in the end, it applies only in case you do really enter the top three."

Long Haochen, feeling a bit better, nodded and said, "Let's go in, sis."

Today, the atmosphere in the Knight Stadium was quite solemn. Although the situation inside was unvarying, on the platform, a group of people arrived. Clearly, they weren't few in number, and without a doubt, they were the higher-ups of the Great Temples.

In this moment, for the top 16 Demon Hunt Squad Selection Competition, 40 people were gathered, all seated in the lounge, to watch the knock-out competition that was going to take place.

Although these outsiders weren't here to participate, they went to watch the competition, as before. Some wanted to learn and improve through watching the matches between these 16 powerhouses, observing their methods and gaining experience in the process. More importantly, after the end of this competition, the squad-forming roulette would be conducted. Who wouldn't wish to look at the skills of those who would maybe become their future squad partners.

As soon as he entered the lounge, Long Haochen hastily looked around. A lot of gazes fell on him, belonging in particular to knights or competitors who were in the third group.

Found her.

Long Haochen completely ignored the gazes of the other competitors and quickly found the target of his attention.

Cai'er was silently seated in a corner of the first row. She had her bamboo cane before her body, leaning her shoulder on it. She appeared very calm, and from Long Haochen's eyes, she gave off a very pure feel.

Because when he had gotten Blue Rain, Hibiscus of Light, Long Haochen had been in a complete state of immersion, he felt like he hadn't seen Cai'er for ages. Seeing her seated here, he and Li Xin quickly headed to her side.

The previously calm Cai'er clearly recognized these footsteps. Slightly lowering her head, she unconsciously grasped her bamboo cane with both hands.

"Cai'er." Long Hao Chen called out to her, briefly, before seating by her side.

"Yeah..." Cai'er responded with a calm voice, pursing her lips while looking somewhat unhappy in her demeanor.

"Cai'er, these few days, I was in the Alliance's Treasure Vault, I just came out from it yesterday evening."

"Yeah..." Cai'er similarly answered very quickly.

"Cai'er, what were you up to on these few days?" Long Haochen asked, his heart still full of misgivings.

This time, Cai'er didn't even make a "yeah", and calmly remained seated.. However, her ear was already deep red.

Although Long Haochen didn't appear for a few days, Li Xin already told her what he was doing, so naturally, Cai'er wasn't worried about him. But after she had been embraced by Long Haochen on that day, her face would turn deep red every time she reminisced about her misunderstanding, and together with that, her heartbeat would quicken up. Hearing Long Haochen's voice once again so suddenly, how could she not feel bashful?

Long Haochen, who had no way to know about this little lady's current thoughts frowned and showed concern, "Cai'er, how is it that you're still angry? I... I think I didn't do anything bad! If you are angry, tell me why, is it okay? I will correct myself."

Li Xin who was seated on the side couldn't help but cover her mouth, about to fall in laughter. This couple of sweethearts was really interesting. Seeing Cai'er's bashful appearance, something was clear to her: How can it be that she's angry? Only, I wonder what these two have been up to. I feel like they are really pure and sincere. Li Xin, deep inside, was full of envy, thinking to herself, When will I find someone who will care about me as much as lil' bro does for Cai'er?

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