Chapter 125: Cai'er So Strong

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Lin Xin was a mage that couldn't use offensive magic, but it didn't mean that he wasn't smart. On the contrary, he was an extremely smart guy. What was Cai'er's vocation? She was an assassin. Did she use other weapons than her bamboo cane? Absolutely not. From the beginning of the competition until now, Cai'er didn't take out any real assassin weapons. If she were to really take one out, at what level would her offensive power be? He didn't want to become her first good test, just because his defensive power was great.

In the third group, Long Hao Chen was also the first one to appear on stage today. Only, his match wasn't as relaxed as Cai'er's.

Wang Yuanyuan was facing Long Hao Chen as his opponent, her right hand holding the heavy shield that was even larger than her own body, looking at Long Hao Chen with eyes brimming with confidence.

She knew that as long as she could win this match, then the first place of the second group would be hers. Although the competition opposing those in the top 16 would involve another drawing of lots, the first of their group would meet seconds of other groups, so evidently, to her, having the status of first-ranked of her group would be extremely advantageous.

Only, she also knew that the guy before her eyes would be extremely hard to cope with. That day, when Long Hao Chen defeated Huang Yi, although the appearance of the mount that he revealed was short-lived, it left an extremely deep impression in her mind.

"Match start!" The referee announced before slowly moving back.

Wang Yuanyuan held her shield placed horizontally, placed before her body, as she faced Long Hao Chen and shouted out, "Summon it. Let this mount of yours come out."

Long Hao Chen shook his head, and said, "That wouldn't be fair. If your strength can really compel me to do so, I will reconsider."

Although he really wished for this great competition to help increase his combat experience, he couldn't be inflexible either. Breaking through the fifth step was something Long Hao Chen himself didn't expect to happen, but now, not only did he break through, Hao Yue had also completed his second evolution. This gave him for real the strength necessary to enter the top three of these finals. There was after all a spiritual stove to gain as reward! Furthermore, the promise he made to Lin Xin had yet to be accomplished. It would of course be for the best if he could be in the top of this Demon Hunt Selection. Long Hao Chen really didn't like the feeling of owing something to someone.

Wang Yuanyuan couldn't refrain from a slight laughter. Holding a small gem to her body with her left hand, she nodded towards Long Hao Chen: "As you say so, let's fight a fair battle."

While she said that, she shouted out loudly before dashing towards Long Hao Chen in a short moment. Although her speed might not be comparable to an assassin,with each step, a loud bang sounded, and her own imposing power increased. Silver spiritual energy rose up and covered her skin with a layer of brilliant silver.

Wasn't she at the fifth step? It was visibly liquid spiritual energy.

Long Hao Chen was immediately startled, because during the previous matches, Wang Yuanyuan only displayed power that was at the peak of the fourth step; this was the first time that she displayed a strength at the fifth step level. There was no way of knowing whether she was hiding her strength earlier or just recently made a breakthrough.

According to common logic from the warrior temple, Wang Yuanyuan did not fit the mold of a regular shield warrior at all: her enormous shield was basically being used as if it was a heavy axe.

Less than ten meters away from Long Hao Chen, stomping her right foot, she rose up into the air, swinging her enormous shield, and going straight for his head. With that violent look, she did not have even half the grace a female was supposed to have, and was even fiercer than male warriors.

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