Chapter 119: Three headed Hao Yue

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Inside the eye sockets of the bone dragon, brilliant blue flames were lit. Just by its tyrannical aura, this dragon could comparably be of the ninth step. On the back of the bone dragon, there was a male clad in black armor. The figure was over 2.5 metres tall and it sat patiently at the base of the dragon's neck. On its right hand, there was a lance that might be longer than its wielder, covered in dazzling purple.

The boundless grey sky suddenly split open, and a graceful figure appeared, its body was shrouded inside a black mantle. Although the figure was barely visible, two scarlet flames were moving on its head.

That's right, we are late. Although we came as soon as we obtained information from that lich, in the end, we are still late. The one this sharp voice belonged to was precisely that 'master'.

"A year ago, when we discovered Austin Griffin, he had just been reincarnated. To hide from our attempts to kill him, he used an innate ability enabling him to become extremely weak, lowering to a great extent his evolving speed. However, after such a small duration, how could his third head already be born? According to this terrifying evolution speed, I am afraid that before a hundred years pass, the calamity that occurred at that time will descend once again. Undead Abdicator Knight, do you have a method to find him?"

The Undead Abdicator Knight coldly answered, "If you, in your capacity as the Lich King, are unable to find him, how can I? Austin Griffin has already changed locations. But every time he wants to evolve, he will be bound to return to this world where he was born. We can only wait for the next opportunity now."

The Lich King coldly spoke back, "What are the others doing? Can it be that they believe that this Austin Griffin will be as easy for us to deal with as its six previous reincarnations? His third head has already grown, he is already becoming harder and harder to deal with. We will have to convene the Undead Monarch's General Assembly. After combining our forces, I believe that we'll come up with a solution."

"All right. About this matter, you and I hold the same point of view. In those days, at the moment Austin Griffin broke the seal pillars, calamity fell upon mother earth, the skies collapsed, and everything died. Relying on his strength at the heavenly step, he can at most reincarnate nine times. As long as we can destroy him this time, and persist for 2000 years, he will be left with no means to descend to this world ever again."

The Lich King said, somewhat astonished, "I didn't expect the cold and indifferent you to be also afraid of desolation."

"Can it be that you're not afraid?" The Undead Abdicator Knight snorted coldly, as the enormous bone dragon he was riding turned around. Then, a rich black-color was released all around it, and in the next instant, he disappeared completely.

The Lich King was currently in the cave where Hao Yue had previously been, coldly looking around. In the next instant, an enormous purple blister appeared there, and instantly, the whole mountain peak melted. The Lich King's body also disappeared in the air, fading away and leaving only gray ashes behind.


The steady and determined Long Hao Chen had his body completely shaken. Unconsciously looking forward, he discovered that the purple color under his skin suddenly disappeared, leaving no traces in his body. And the aftereffects of the Bursting Spiritual Pill seemed to have completely disappeared with it, even though 12 hours were far from having passed from the time he took it.

The surrounding purple color quietly weakened, as Long Hao Chen discovered, to his astonishment, that around him was a pitch black landscape, seemingly familiar. What was this place?

"Hao Chen." A familiar voice shouted his name, and immediately, Long Hao Chen recognized two familiar silhouettes.

"Du, du, du." Li Xin and Cai'er, who was moving with Li Xin's support, ran to his side from a nearby place.

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