Gigantic Soul Divine Sheild III

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He... What does he want us to do?

Does he want to look at my face? Or does he want to hug me? Or else, does he... does he...

Cai'er's mind was already in complete disorder, as she was already sweating under the grip of Long Hao Chen's small hand.

Noticing the sudden great changes in her expression, Long Hao Chen felt quite scared, as he hurriedly rubbed her forehead with one of his hands.

Cai'er couldn't see, and for this reason, her perception of the external world was quite vague. At the moment Long Hao Chen came into contact with her forehead, she unconsciously took a few steps back, crying out in surprise, "Ahhh, don't." After all, she hadn't prepared mentally yet!

At that moment, there were some small stone steps not far behind her. Retreating in panic, her feet got caught into it, and she was about to fall backwards.

Long Hao Chen's heart, scared, skipped a bit: although he totally didn't understand what happened to Cai'er, he still unconsciously took a step forward, and held her slim waist in his embrace, supporting her lovely body with his hands.

"Be careful."

Cai'er was now so bashful that even her neck had turned red. She could clearly feel Long Hao Chen's embrace on her waist and the warmth of his hands, as well as his breath, in such a short distance.

In her capacity as an assassin, she spent most of her childhood in training, making her senses especially sharp, because it was the only way for her to sense hidden danger. But now, it was her heart that appeared especially shy, her body turned numb, and her legs could almost not stay steady at all. One of her hands grabbed Long Hao Chen's lapel, and her mind was completely blank.

Long Hao Chen was currently completely stunned too. The weather was quite hot, so everyone was wearing light clothes. So when he held Cai'er's slim and soft waist in his arms, he only felt a creamy satin from her skin, a jade-like sensation, and a comfortable warmth. Most of all, he felt as if this slender waist of hers could break off at any time; below her waist was the touching figure of her beautiful arced buttock, and her neat face was completely flushed.

A few seconds passed, but to them, they seemed as long as several centuries. Better late than never, Cai'er took the initiative to react. Hurriedly straightening her back, she moved her bamboo cane horizontally, using it to finally obstruct Long Hao Chen, as she coldly said, sounding somewhat displeased, "You... you...... "

Long Hao Chen blanked out for a few seconds and said, "Cai'er, are you all right?

I... I only wanted to invite you to have a meal together. What is up with you? Do you feel sick? Is it a fever? Your face is so red... "

It was now Cai'er's turn to stare blankly.

So actually... Actually, he only wanted... And actually, the one who had devious thoughts was me...

Her blushing face didn't come back to normal, but instead, it blushed even further. Cai'er used her bamboo cane to lightly tap on Long Hao Chen's body, as she barked to him in a low voice, "Meanie. I am going back first. Who wants to eat with you?" Finishing her sentence, her bamboo cane tapped on the ground, and Long Hao Chen only saw her body flash, and in a split second, the reflections of her silhouette disappeared completely.

What a fast shifting! The speed of an assassin is really something enviable. However, what happened to Cai'er? Why did she call me a meanie?!!

Long Hao Chen stood there stupefied for a moment, then walked back to his hotel, puzzled. With his sharp perception, he could feel that Cai'er wasn't really angry at him. What he couldn't understand was why it felt like she was fleeing when walking away. However, earlier, when he caught her, it felt really good; the sensation he had when embracing her waist was especially comfortable. He felt a bit reluctant to wash his hands today.

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