30. Impeccable Timing

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Courtney's POV

One month and one week later:

Life is great here in Canada! My sister, Kari and I have been living here for a month now. We both got the job offer at the same time.

"Hey Court! You ready to film?" my sister asked as she was setting up the camera.

A lot of people have been asking me about my new life here in Toronto, my job, when I am coming, etc.

"Yup! Just looking at the questions!"

As we were filming, a lot of the questions are about when will I return in Smosh and I am gonna stay there. My sister kept looking at me with a worried expression on her face. I think I know why.

"So... umm... A lot of you guys have been noticing things... between Shayne and I..." I was looking at my sister and she kept gesturing me to continue and giving me a thumbs up.

"and I know that I have been holding it back for a certain reason. To answer your questions and curiosities, yes. Shayne and I dated for about 6 months..." I took a deep breath before talking again.

"We broke up before I move here with my sister. We decided to end it because..." as I was talking, I was holding the blanket really tight, trying to contain myself and not burt into tears.

"It just wouldn't be fair for us to be together in a long distance relationship. Shayne and I are still friends. We left things on a good note, which makes me really happy and relieve."

Just saying his name feels like someone was my heart over and over again. I need to move on.

I finished the outro and my sister ran to me and hugged me after turning the cameras off.

"It's okay!" she whispered to my ear while rubbing my back.

I looked at her and she wiped the tears from my eye.

"You okay? You look really pale. Have you been eating?" she asked.

"Yes! I'm fine!" I wiped my face and tried to give her a convincing look but it didn't work.

"You sure? I have been noticing that you look like you're sick." she helped me get up.

"Yeah. I am okay. I just need to g-" before I finish my sentence, everything around me started becoming blurry and slowly turning black.

Kari's POV

"Courtney, please wake up!" I begged my sister to get up. I drove her to the hospital because she didn't wake up after she fainted for about 30 minutes.

When she fainted, she didn't hit anything hard. I had to take her to the hospital because she hasn't really been feeling well. She looks like she is about to throw up all the time, she doesn't eat properly and she always feels dizzy.

"Kari..." I heard a weak voice calling me.

I turned and saw a confused version if my sister, glancing everywhere.

"Why am I here?"

"You fainted after filming a video for your channel. I brought you here because you haven't been feeling well lately and I am getting really worried." I explained. She just laid there in silence.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as I sat on the chair next to her bed.

"I am not so sure!" she muttered.

We waited for the doctor to come. She said that she was doing some test, trying to find if she has a health condition or something. I'm hoping that everything is fine.

After five minutes, the doctor came into the room.

"Oh good! You're awake Miss Miller! How are you?" she shook hands with my sister.

"I'm okay now!" Courtney gave her a weak smile.

"Well I have some news for you." the doctor looked at both of us. I looked at Courtney and she looked really nervous.

"Good or Bad?" I asked. Courtney couldn't really really say anything. She is really anxious.

"Depends on how you both see it."

I felt Courtney's hands gripping on my arm. I placed my hand on top of her hands to calm her down.

"Wha-what is t-th-the news?" Courtney stuttered.

"Congratulations Miss Miller! You're 7 weeks pregnant!" the doctor announced, beaming.

I felt Courtney losing her grip on my arm. I looked at her and it looks like she was about to burst in tears. Either she's happy or upset.

Courtney's POV

Few hours later:

I can't believe it! I am expecting a baby! Shayne's baby to be exact!!

"Hey Court! What are you going to do?" my sister asked once we got home.

I honestly don't know. I am not even sure if I want to tell the others in LA. I already called my parents about it and they seem to be support my idea of keeping the baby. I am really happy that they are not mad. I'm so thrilled. I mean, it's my child after all! I will love him or her no matter what!

"I think I need to tell the others..." I replied.

"I'm so excited!!! I'm gonna be an aunt again!!" Kari squealed. I giggled at her action.

"I can't believe i'm gonna be a mother!" I placed my hand on the belly. The thought of me becoming a mother makes me smile. And I haven't smiled for a while.

"I'm going to text Liv!" I told my sister and went to my room.

C: Hey Liv! I have something to tell you...

I was waiting for her reply. It almost takes her forever to reply.

O: Hi Court! What is it?

I stared at my phone for about five minutes, thinking of how to phrase it.

C: Can you add the others as well in our conversation? I need to tell them as well. And by others, I mean Anthony, Ian, Lasercorn and Noah

O: What about Shayne?

C: I rather not. You guys could tell him afterwards if he would listen.

Sooner or later, the others started to join our text conversation.

I: Hey Court!

N: Whaddup?!

L: Why are we in this?

A: Hi Courtney! What did you want to say?

I took a deep breathe before I replied to all of them.

C: I know that I am only 22, but I am pregnant!

A,I,O,N,L: What?!

L: Congratulations Court!! 😄

C: Thanks LCorn!! 😊

I: Do you want us to tell Shayne?

C: I mean, if he would listen then yes. I don't want to keep this a secret. I still care about him and he is the father of my child.

A: Don't worry! We'll talk to him! 😆

N: And we will support you. If you need help, call us. We won't hesitate going there.

C: Thanks guys ❤❤

O: We have to go bae. We need to film Game Bang!! Keep us updated! I can't wait to meet your baby!! 😆😆😆

C: Alright! Have fun!!!

I turned my phone and sighed out of relieved.

I really hope that Shayne would listen and understand.

Author's Note
Well, there you have it!!! Good job Supersmosh_ for guessing that she is pregnant! That has always been my plan ever since I began writing this story. 😁😁

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