Chapter 29

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Tris P.O.V
8 months later
We both shifted into our new house a few months ago. Life has never been better for the both of us. I am watching television when my phone rings. I receive it.

"If you think that I am going to let you forget me. Belive me I am not." Said an unknown voice.

"Who are you?" I said and he hung up. Who was it? How did he get my number? All these questions haunted me during the whole day.


In the evening, Tobias comes home from work.

"Good evening, how was your day?" I said.

He didn't replied and went straight into the room.

I followed him, inside. He was sitting on the bed with a really blank face. I sat infront of him and said, "Tobias, what happened?" I said my hand touching his cheek.

Just then a sharp prickle went in my brain and my hands started became out of control, but I kept them in my control. Before I knew it, he grasped my hand tightly and punched me in the jaw. I let out a weak scream. My hands became ready to punch him. I........cannot.......hurt........him. To not hurt him I hold the bruise on my jaw.

"Tris, what happened?" Tobias said.

"Just.......stay......away from me," I whispered. I removed my hand from my jaw.

"What happ............No.......did I did this to you," I don't say anything just stare. He doesn't know what just happened. "Tris, let me just see the wound."

He reaches to touch my bruise but I remove his hand. "Just.......give me some time alone." I whisper.

He walks out of the room. I just stare with bewilderment at the wall. When memories flood in my mind.

Mom and Dad are gone for a vacation so it is me, Hazel and Caleb. I return home late in the night when everyone has fallen asleep. I enter the house and Hazel stands infront of me, her hands are crossed. She has a blank face. "Hey, sorry I am late. I had dinner with the gang." I said. No answer. I walked past her but I was stopped with a jerk. I looked behind Hazel grasped my wrist. Before I knew it, she pulls me and punches me in the stomach I groan in pain and I melt onto the floor clutching my stomach. Just then, the door opens Caleb comes and says,"Hazel and Beatrice what happened here?". "I.....Beatrice, what happened to you?" She looks down at me. I get up and go to my room and lock the door. How could she not know what she has done to me? What a liar. "Beatrice, open the door. Tell me what happened?" She says and knocks continuously on my door.

I understand now. History is repeating itself again. It was not Tobias........he was not himself........he was being whom........I can't seem to remember.

I go to Tobias and said,"What happened when you were at work?"

He tells me this: "I walked out of the control room when I felt a sharp object piercing through my neck. Then........everything went black. After sometime, my vision became blurry and then I saw you clutching your jaw. But you know I would never hurt you not even in my dream. I am sorry." And he hugs me.

I open the door and stay away from Hazel as far as I can. "Why are you moving away from me?" She said. "I don't want you to hurt me." I said leaning against the wall. "Beatrice, I would never hurt you." She said coming near me, slowly. "But you did. You punched me in the stomach." I said. "When? How?" She was shocked. "Don't act like you don't know"."I seriously don't know. All I remember is that as I was coming home from school I felt a sharp object peircing through my skin. Then........everything went black. After sometime, my vision became blurry and then I saw Caleb infront of me and you lying on the ground, clutching your stomach. But I will never ever in my whole life try to hurt you. You are my best friend." She hugs me.


In the middle of the night my phone sings I see who it is. It is the same person who called me before Tobias came home. I take my phone to the balcony and receive it.

"History repeated itself didn't it. Did you remember who tried to attack you 3 years ago." I don't say anything. "Don't seem to remember. Let me remind you it was your dead friend, Hazel." My blood is boiling at this point.

"Who are you? What do you want? Why are you doing this to me?" I said.

"You are just like Alice who was stuck in Wonderland. Who am I? You know the answer but don't seem to remember. What do I want? I want you. And as far as the question of why I am doing this to you? This, you will know with time. I will soon meet you, till then farewell." Then, the phone call ended.

Who was he? What is the puzzle piece that fits in my memories, but I can't seem to remember?

Author's Note:
The book is going to end only a few chapters left. Who do you think had called Tris? What did connection did he had with Tris in the past?

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