Chapter 9

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Tris P.O.V
I wake up to a throbbing in my head. When I went for breakfast. I realized that today I had to make breakfast. Lazily, I grabbed a jar of peanut butter, jelly and bread and made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Haze came and said, "Good Morning, so how was your night with Tobias?"

"You know what, I was about to die and he saved me."

"He did what!"

"He saved me I don't know why".

"Mabe he wants to kill you in another way."

"Like how?"

"Like......what if he kidnaps you after a few days and then torcher you then kill you. I mean there's always that possibility."

"Whoa, I think you are watching a lot of movies with crime in it, now let's forget what happened last night and eat this sandwich."

"'Kay," she sat down and ate it. After sometime her face became red and she started coughing.

"Haze, what happened?" I asked rubbing her back. She was gasping for breath I quickly took out my phone and called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"You have to hurry up my friend here is suffocating."

"Don't worry ma'am we are coming."After a few moments the ambulance came and we were taken to the hospital.

The doctors gave her an epinephrine after asking me about what happened. I was standing outside the room she was in.

"Family of Hazel Grace," the nurse asked.

"Yes. What happened to her?"

"She is allergic to peanuts. That's good you brought her."

"Can I see her?" I say feeling ashamed.

"Yes you can." She leads me inside the room. Haze was sitting in the bed, relaxed looking outside the window.

"Sorry." I say and sat beside her with tears start to run from my eyes.

"Oh why are you crying? It's not your fault it's mine. I should have told you that I am allergic to peanuts." She rubbed my hand to assure me.

I stopped crying and said,"Well I think we can't go school today," with a small laugh.

"Yes we can't," she giggled. Just then the nurse came and said that we can leave.

We both walked hand in hand through the busy streets. As I and Haze hardly had breakfast we went to Starbucks and I ordered Java Chip Frappuccino with whipped cream and Haze ordered S'mores Frappuccino. We sat, drank and talked about random things when my phone buzzed.

Someone texted me and it was FOUR.

Four~ Why didn't you come today?
Me~Who gave you my number?

Really, Christina really. She should have asked me but no.

Me~What do you want?
Me~Then why did you texted??????
Four~Just to ask why didn't you come?
Me~I had some personal issues.
Four~Oh okay. Bye

"Tris, who were you talking to?" Haze said.

"I was talking to Four." I said placing my phone on the table.

"What did he said?" She said with one eyebrow up.

"He asked why I didn't go to school."

"Oooh, just asking.......all of a sudden why did he ask you this? Are you hiding something from me?" The word "curiosity" is branded on her face.

"Well..........The weather is so nice isn't it?" I say looking outside.

"Don't try to change the topic, Tris."

"I actually asked him to be my friend." I said it as fast as I can.

"I knew it," she said snapping with her fingers.

"I just did it so that I could finish him off easily, okay"

"Your intention is right but your choice is wrong. Nevertheless, it's your choice."

"What are your plans for the weekend?" I said to change the topic.

"Nothing actually, you?"

"Nothing..........we can stay at home and watch a movie that's all we can do......." I say with a sigh.

"We should go. I think it is about to rain and we don't want to be drenched do we?" The weather looks so gloomy as the clouds have covered the Sun completely.

"No we don't so let's go."

We both reached home as the droplets of rain fell on the streets. For the day to pass Haze read me the book she was going to present. The book was 'An Imperial Affliction'. I think it is a really nice book.

She was halfway through the book when the doorbell rang "I will get it," I said running to the door.

As I opened it Gus was standing with a bouquet. He wore a blue shirt and Brown jacket which looked good with his goofy smile."Hi Gus, are you looking for Haze."

"Sure am."

"Well, she is in her room." I escorted him to Haze's room. She was sitting in her bed reading her book.

As Gus came in she placed her book on the nightstand and said,"Hi Gus, what brought you in our humble home."

"I just wanted to see your well being as you didn't came today." He said giving the bouqet to Haze and sitting on the chair beside her.

"Thank you for the flowers and I am fine just have little cold." She puts the bouquet on the bed.

"Gus would you like something tea or coffee?" I ask.

"Coffee sounds wonderful." He says looking at me.

"Okay I'll bring it in a minute." I go to the kitchen and make coffee for all three of us.

When I came back with coffee, they both were laughing at something and then gave a high five. I came in with the tray and served them coffee. Then Gus said, "I almost forgot, do you both have any plans for the weekend?"

"No we don't." I said.

"Great.....I invite you both at a paint ball tournament on Saturday night."

"Sounds good. Where do we have to meet?" Haze said.

"We will meet at Zeke's house and then from there we will go to the arena."

"We both accept your invitation," Haze said shaking hands with Gus.

"Thank you for your hospitality I must go now." He said standing up and making for the door.

"Welcome and meet us again soon." Haze said.

"I will," He says as he went out.

"Are you excited for the tournament," I ask with a wide smile in my face.

"Hell, yeah" She said.

Author's Note:
QOTD: What will happen at the tournament?

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