Chapter 19: Pressure

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Everyone's gazes were fixed on Mingyus' as S.Coups asked him a heart-stopping question: whether he wanted me to be his girlfriend or not. 

The moment seemed to last forever as my heart and emotions all depended and waited on this one answer. He looked speechless since everything was suddenly directed to him and shot me a small stare. I became really shy because I had never been in a romantic relationship, let alone a guy confessing his feelings to me.

'T-That's got nothing to do with you.' Mingyu coldly exclaimed, making the situation far worse.
'Mingyu-hyung... you like _____?' Hansol asked shakily again. Mingyu became slightly red and couldn't meet the members' gazes, resulting in him looking at the floor.
'You never told me you did...' Soonyoung sighed while patting his shoulder. 

'... No.' He said which instantly wrecked me on the inside. The tears were welling up inside my eyes but I pinched my thighs red to not start hiccuping. The person I liked didn't like me back...
'Leave Mingyu alone...' I said softly but enough to make all the members hear. All the SEVENTEEN members suddenly felt intimidated by my words and went back to what they were doing.

On the verge of crying, his answer broke my heart. I had poured all the feelings of my first love Mingyu to my soul, every bit of it. I was under the addicting spell of his attractiveness, making me weak every time I was lured in by his sweet smile. I loved every single part of him: his kindness, strength, height, talents, everything. It shattered my heart into a million pieces knowing that all the emotions I had kept bottled up inside my small chest couldn't be reciprocated. 

The sun set quickly that day and absolutely nothing better happened. I felt gloomy the whole entire evening and finally decided to forget about my sadness by treating myself to a high quality meal.

Wearing a off-the-shoulder white dress and some black wedges, I headed out to a really fancy restaurant catching a taxi. The restaurant was a luxurious seven star rated western cuisine and numerous high-profiled people including government workers would dine here regularly and a gathering place for famous celebrities and actors/actresses. Tonight I was going to forget about my feelings and treat myself to some quality food that I totally have  deserved.

Walking up a gold-coloured flight of stairs, I arrived at the luxurious counter, waiting to be seated. I instantly felt a surge of difference around me, it was as if the air I breathed was no longer normal oxygen but oxygen with traces of gold and particles of thousand dollar colognes. The atmosphere was very calming as well, all the waiters and waitresses with elegant smiles attached to their faces in addition to the most polite manners. 

'I'd like a table for one only please, no reservation.' I smiled to the woman at the head counter. She ushered a waiter to take me to my seat, one floor above the base level. 
'Miss you're very lucky, tonight is all fully booked except for this special table here.' He pushed my chair out for me to sit and slid the menu gracefully in front of me, giving me some sparkling water in the process. I smiled at his courteous greeting and enjoyed his service. This was something way out of the ordinary for me, an experience that was truly rare. I opened up the menu and mentally jumped in aghast to the prices of special dishes. I truly considered leaving but in the end I decided to treat myself and go for gold, a $350 Filet Mignon with Porcini Mushroom Compound Butter. 

While I was dining upon possibly the best piece of medium-rare steak I had ever feasted on, I suddenly remembered that the final composition was due tomorrow and I wasn't finished yet because my mood was ruined for the whole day. Seeing as things were better now, I got out my pens and continued writing the final song to their album which I named 'Healing'.
My stomach was satisfied with all the rich flavours that blended well together on the masterpiece of a meal in front of me. I looked around the restaurant to suddenly find an old aged man walking toward me politely, looking purposeful and harmless.

'Hi my name is Kim Hyunsoo and I'm one of the head producers in FNC Entertainment.' He bowed politely and shook my hand while I widened my eyes in shock. 

'Oh my god it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm _____ and I am also a writer and producer,' I bowed delightfully in return. I had heard of Kim Hyunsoo many times before and he was currently one of the best producers in the music industry, praised for his legendary works. It was a miracle to meet him in person and I thought I was dreaming so I pinched myself on the cheeks.

He laughed and questioned, 'I see you've been working on some music while dining... mind if I have a look at your composition? You seem young but fiercely talented.' I shook my head and remained humble when he said I looked talented. He scanned my song and nodded his head up and down in amazement.
'Ms _____, this is absolutely amazing! I'm at a loss for words... you are easily the most talented writer I've met in such a long time! I reckon FNC Entertainment absolutely needs you.' My face went red at his high-leveled compliments and I couldn't believe I was being praised by Mr Kim.

Afterwards, Mr Kim suggested some tips and tricks to me when writing music and also gave me his mobile number to me to contact when I wanted to speak with him. I did not regret spending 350 dollars that night because I did not know I would meet one of the top producers in the industry, a miracle any rookie producer dreamt of. I was still in a daze upon returning to the dorms, not noticing Wonwoo who came back from rehearsal at the vending machine, calling my name.

'Yah _____! Why are you spacing out? I've been calling your name three times now...' He elbowed me lightly to catch my attention, giving me a small jump as I came back to reality.
'Oh hey Wonwoo-oppa! Sorry I was just thinking of something,' He placed his long arm around my shoulder and ruffled my long hair playfully, messing it up completely.
'You didn't look so good today... are you alright now?' He asked kindly with an assuring smile.
'Yeah... I'm fine!' I sighed loudly under my breath while giving him a big cheesy grin. He looked worried for me and after a short pause he asked a question which made my chest contract painfully:

'Do you like Mingyu?' 

I looked up at him and saw his now-serious expression, making me tense up. 
'Wonwoo oppa...' I started but got cut off.
'Yah _____... don't hide anything from me okay? I could tell you liked him ages ago.' I could see sadness behind his lucid eyes but also his sincere reaction, begging me to tell the truth. 
'I...' I looked down at the ground feebly and uncertain, unable to meet his strong gaze. 

'I do... I like him...' I finally gathered my courage and let out the sentence. I cautiously looked up at Wonwoo, his face telling no lies that he was bothered.
'Thanks for telling me the truth _____. I promise not to tell a single soul,' He reassured while regaining a weak smile on his face. 
'Hey _____, don't worry... I'm sure he feels the same as you. I fully support this... I have never seen a more caring guy than Mingyu on this whole entire planet.' He stressed while giving me a tight, friendly hug for support. I thanked him and made my way to my dorm room to sleep. 

With Wonwoo oppa's support, I stopped feeling sad over Mingyu and crawled into bed quickly, mentally finished for the day. Closing the lights and looking out of the window, I realised I needed to stop worrying about him and focus on SEVENTEEN because in a week's time, their comeback and album's release was scheduled and confirmed... leaving no room for time-wasting. 


Quote to inspire you: 'Be thankful for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.' - Unknown

Have you guys heard the Hiphop unit's new mixtape? IT'S ACTUAL FIRE OMG 🙏🏼🔥😭 BLESS THEM


Hope you enjoyed,

- Panda 🌈

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