Chapter 15: The Smile

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It was the second last day of our Jeju Island trip when Secretary Kim fell ill and I was asked to take over her position for today.


Arriving at the ground floor of the holiday inn, I limped quickly toward the members who were all waiting patiently for me.

'I'm sorry guys but secretary Kim suddenly fell ill so I'll be in complete charge of you... but only for today though!' I shouted so that the members could hear clearly. There were mixed responses such as worry and shock but they were all fine with it in the end.

'I hope she gets well soon... and _____ are you alright with taking care of us for a day?' Seungcheol started. I nod my head and the members all felt concerned for their secretary.
'Ok guys the bus is waiting so we have to go now!' I exclaimed. As the members filed onto the bus, I sent a get well text to Secretary Kim with a worried expression.
'Don't worry, _____. Secretary Kim will be fine.' I turned around to see Wonwoo pat my back, trying to make me feel better. I smiled and walked to the back of the coach and found a seat next to the window. Seeing my worried expression, the members all tried to comfort me by telling me jokes. I have to say, their lame jokes sucked so much that I couldn't help but laugh helplessly.

'Oh! She finally laughed!' Vernon's eyes sparkled like they just discovered diamonds when he saw me laughing.
'Noona you're so cute when you laugh like that~' Dino chirped happily.
'She'll be fine, I promise you, _____. I believe that Secretary Kim must trust you a lot to let you take over her role for a day so it'll be alright,' Wonwoo ensured which made me feel heaps more positive.

It was still dark when SEVENTEEN and I reached the promised sunrise location so we made ourselves feel comfortable first. There was no other person there to watch the sunrise apart from us so we sat down near the edge of the rocks (carefully this time) and awaited the moment... and then it happened.

It appeared out of a horizon as a small yellow dot at first. The members widened their eyes in excitement upon seeing the speck of orange peeking out of the clouds. The dot got bigger and bigger and soon we could see a small circle emitting light to the world. This scene was absolutely beautiful; we watched as sunlight filled the sky, pure scattered light -- its hue ambitiously illuminating each crevice of the land. Small birds chirped an explicit background melody softly upon notice that it was a new day. With breath paused in my lungs, I wished time would halt. Trees around us shone from the arrival of light, as if they were wearing golden crowns. The vast sea was not able to absorb the bright sparks of the sun. The tides on the sea below the cliff were racing amongst each other to reach the edge of the sky from where the mighty godlike sun appeared from the horizon.

The moment was so beautiful and it left me speechless with hopeful thoughts. The inspiration that had come from watching the Jeju sunrise with the SEVENTEEN members rang peacefully into my heart. I wanted to cry with joy from seeing this pure magnificence but the tears held back as I smiled a true, hearty smile.

'Woah...' was all I managed to say, even though I was overwhelmed with happiness in the spur of the moment.

Mingyu's Point of View

I sat down next to Seungcheol and Minghao, preparing to watch the sunrise. Next to Seungcheol-hyung was ______, with her feet crossed and her dark-brown eyes sparkling and widened in anticipation.
When the sun started to ascend with grandieur and grace from the edge of the horizon, I became lost for words apon witnessing this simple but beautiful masterpiece of a lifetime. I could feel Minghao trembling ever so slightly beside me so I looked at him to discover that he had been crying all this time.

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