Chapter 14: It's You

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'Actually, there is a girl on my mind right now.' Mingyu said confidently.

All the members instantly looked at him with widened eyes, especially Seungcheol and Wonwoo. I could feel my cheeks redden and heartbeat quicken dangerously. The stream suddenly exploded with comments and reactions asking who it was and so on. I looked at him to find him giving the members a cheeky stare. My heart felt as though it was dancing around; and a hole I was never aware of was there was filled. I felt so light, like I was on top of the world yet my constricting chest felt as though there was no oxygen in my lungs... I was completely absorbed by his sentence.

'The girl on my mind... it's you.' 

He pointed at the camera which signalled that he meant the viewers. I felt loose and relieved that he didn't mention me but empty and slightly broken at the same time. Soonyoung and Chan started hitting him while the other members burst out laughing. Seungcheol slapped him on the back saying 'YAH!' at the same time. The whole lifestream was turned upside down with thousands of comments being sent at the same time and thousands of Mingyu-biased fans dying. I covered my mouth with my two hands because it was too tempting to make a noise, let alone laughing. Part of me imagined what would have happened if Mingyu said that I on his mind but that would be a dream that wouldn't happen to me.

At the end of the livestream, SEVENTEEN thanked the viewers for their time and I ended the V-Live. The members let out a huge sigh but started laughing due to their constant nonsense and bad jokes. I eyed them as they laughed and acted like regular boys off-camera... they were themselves again. The day ended with a sweet, late-night milk tea run to a cute yet aesthetic bubble tea store a few minutes away from our inn. I sipped the warm red-bean matcha tea slowly, making my stomach satisfied and me feeling happy.
'Mmm! This is so good... I wish there was a shop like this in Seoul!' Soonyoung proclaimed.
'I'd go there everyday, to be completely honest.' Seungcheol confirmed sarcastically, making everyone nod their heads in agreement.

Back at the inn we were all tired from our outing but before we went back to our rooms, we had a quick meeting. Secretary Kim gave me the schedule to read out loud to which I eagerly agreed. I took the paper from her and announced what we would be doing out loud.
'At 5am we will be driving to a famous cliff to see the sunrise,' I started but got interrupted suddenly with groans coming from Jeonghan and Jisoo oppa. Everyone laughed because they knew their hyungs didn't want to wake up early, however Secretary Kim disapproved.
'The sunrise here on Jeju Island is easily the most beautiful thing you'll ever see in your lives, I promise you so stop groaning!' She jeered which made us all quiet again. '_____, continue please.' 

'O-oh...' I look back down at the schedule and continued to read it. 'After watching the sunrise, we'll be going to the Kimnyoung Maze Park to complete a maze journey.' My face grinned while reading it out loud and so did the members.
'A MAZE!!! OH MY GOSH I LOVE MAZES SO MUCH!' Seungkwan shouted ecstatically.
 'We should see who completes it first... the winner gets to kiss _____ on the cheek!' Seokmin oppa joked out of no where. I blushed while everyone laughed and agreed. Secretary Kim had a look of death in her eyes which made me laugh really hard. The night ended with a group photo and everyone making their way to their rooms to rest. 

Looking into the bathroom mirror, I removed my makeup and cleansed my face. I stared at myself and thought about the trip so far. So much things had happened since we left the Pledis building but I felt truly happy on the inside. My bond with the SEVENTEEN members became really deep and I loved communicating and seeing their cheerful faces every day. I didn't regret becoming their ghost writer because it gave me happiness and even if I wasn't in the spotlight and getting credit, I was alright with it. Quickly changing and preparing for tomorrow, I climbed into bed at last with a sense of relief.


Brrr Brrr! Brr Brrr.... My phone vibrated non-stop until I snoozed the alarm. Squinting my eyes and looking around the room, I realised it was still dark and there wasn't any sunlight.

Oh my god... We're going to watch the sunrise today! How could I have forgotten? I thought to myself while tying my hair up messily. I cast a look towards Secretary Kim's bed to find she had not yet awoken, so I tiptoed quietly to the bathroom to commence my morning skin routine.
Shortly after my skin was refreshed and my daily makeup was applied, I slipped into a warm, white sweater and a pastel pink pleated skirt. While doing a fishtail braid to my hair, secretary Kim awoke tiredly from her sleep and looked over at me to find that I was almost ready to head out to breakfast. I looked at her through the mirror and I realised she looked weak and powerless, with a pale face and dry lips.

'_____? W-what time is it?' She asked exhaustively. Without a thought, I quickly ran over to her side, told her it was 4:40am and felt her forehead — it was burning hot. I panicked and got her a cold towel to cool her fiery head.
'Secretary-nim! Are you alright? I'll go get some fever medicine from my luggage bag for you!' I said worriedly while holding her hand.
'I feel so light-headed and sick...' She sighed which made me even more worried. 'But we can't cancel our activities today so what do I do...' I felt impressed that her first thought was always SEVENTEEN but at the same time I was distressed about her raging fever and so I fetched some warm water and cold medicine for her to consume. 

'_____... Thank you.' Ms Kim said sincerely.
'No problem at all secretary! I want to stay back and look after you today,' I insisted but my opinion got quickly rejected.
'As much as I want you to take care of me, you need to take my place and be with the boys today because they need someone to watch over them, so I'll take care of myself.' She pleaded.
I didn't want to leave Secretary Kim by herself but she was right. I needed to manage SEVENTEEN all by myself today and care for them like a real adult.
'I understand, Secretary-nim. I'll take full responsibility for them today but will you be okay?'
'Yes I will so go without me. You are the boss today, _____-ah.' She said with an attempted smile. 

Saying bye to Secretary Kim, I left the room hurriedly, limped to the elevator and arrived at the ground floor where SEVENTEEN were waiting for me.

It was 5am and today, I would be in charge of SEVENTEEN from dawn to dark, all by myself. 


Thanks for reading this chapter and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it!

Song Suggestions:

Vocal Team's 'When I Grow Up' -

'Mansae' -

Seungkwan's 'Beautiful Tomorrow' -

Thanks for everything,

- Panda ♥

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