Chapter 6: Childhood friend

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Mingyu stared at me directly from across the table. I was intimidated by his serious expression and immediately looked away. 

Why did he look at me like that? 

I offered him some water but he rejected the offer so I just casually continued eating. At the end of the meal, I offered to pay the whole bill. 'It's on me since I missed you all so much and I'm so thrilled to see you all again! It's such a pleasure to work for all of you so this time I'll pay!' I exclaimed brightly to everyone. 'NONO Oh please don't! We're the ones pleased to have you! Just think of this as a welcoming meal for our ______, let us pay!' Seungcheol exclaimed. Everyone nodded and agreed so I ended up letting them pay. 'Next time, it's on me!' I assured. They're so kind to me...

Back at the Pledis building, I worked until very late that night, writing the new cover song. All their smiles gave me enough energy to work on without rest. I reviewed the file that Manager Kang gave me, which had all the information of the members and a clear description of their position on stage in it. I quickly learned that there were 5 members in the vocal team, 4 in the hiphop team and 4 in the performance team. Everyone had their own strengths and showed it differently on stage. I watched their past performances which were surprisingly better than I thought. For the song I composed, I would need strong and stable singers for the chorus... hmm and I like his rapping so I'll give him this part... I mumbled on and on to myself while deciding the parts.

After a while, I had finally finished the first rough version of the song. I wanted it to be a cute and upbeat song for fans to be filled with positive energy after hearing it. I started making the song and the backing chords when I realised it was 11pm. I really wanted to get the rough draft finished so I kept on working on it for a while until I heard a gentle knock at my door. I said out loud for the person to come in.
Who would be wanting me at such an hour? The door turned and in came a tall figure which looked very familiar. It was Mingyu.

He came in I just stared at him. I did not expect it to be Mingyu who knocked at this hour and I was dumbfounded. 'M-Mingyu ssi? Is there anything I can help you with?' I blurted. I gestured him to sit down on the chair opposite my table to which he did.
He looked at me for a few seconds then all of a sudden, he leaned in closer.

I didn't know what to do so I just froze there, looking at his handsome features and sharp eyes. 'M-Mingyu ssi?' my voice was shaky because we were so close. He finally leaned back and then gave a loud sigh. 

'I know this is sudden but... I think you and I, we knew each other since childhood.' He finally said it without hesitation. 'We were childhood friends.' 

I widened my eyes in shock and disbelief. A SEVENTEEN member that I have hardly ever talked to is saying he is my childhood friend.

Memories of my childhood instantly flooded my mind and I quickly remembered that when I was small, I had a really really favourable little boy friend (male friend not boyfriend) that would always take care of me, like my big brother. 'H-How do you know?' I asked weakly. 'He looked at me seriously and confirmed, 'When we were small, you would always hiccup when you cried. Today at lunch when I noticed you crying, you started hiccuping. Is it really you, _____?'
I was immediately in a state of acceptance after hearing those words. It was definitely him because without a doubt, I always started hiccuping when I felt emotional or started tearing up. The person sitting opposite me Mingyu is without a doubt my childhood playmate.

'I-I've missed you all these years and I thought I would never see you again...' I started to hiccup and before I knew it, I was shedding buckets of tears in front of him.

Flashback to your childhood~!

I waited at the park we usually met at but he didn't appear. Every time someone passed by I would eagerly run to see who it was but of course, it wasn't you. That day, you were no where to be seen and I sobbed at the park by myself. I waited and waited all the way until night time when I got scared so I ran home by myself. The next day I sat in the swing, waiting there for you again. Maybe you were just busy yesterday... I would think over and over to myself. I wrote a letter to you and ran to your house to deliver it but I saw unfamiliar cars and a big truck moving furniture instead. I bravely knocked on the door to find a middle-aged woman answering the large, wooden door.

I asked to see you but she said, 'Oh sorry little girl but tonight, we're moving to Seoul, a really big city. If you want to see him...' She paused and frowned. 'I'm afraid you can't, honey.' Upon hearing the news I just stood there and looked down at the floor. Everything hurt, especially my heart. I started hiccuping again, when tears formed in my eyes. Suddenly when the woman was about to close the door, he rushed out. 'What are you doing, Kim Mingyu! I told you to stay in the house and not to come out!' Without a second thought he ran to me and hugged me tightly and I couldn't help but bawl my eyes out. He apologised for not seeing me and apologised for everything, saying that he would return to see me again. He took my letter, walked shamefully back inside the house and the middle aged woman bowed and closed the door. That was the last time I had ever seen him. 

Flash forward to now!

After I started crying and hiccuping, it was him who spoke first. He softly whispered, 'Sorry. I'm sorry.' After all these years of being separated, I finally saw him again. 'I guess you call this sorta stuff fate huh... How could we meet again like this? I thought you were still living there but no — you were by my side all this time.' He spoke quietly with hints of melancholy. I could see bitterness on his face as he scrunched his face up and clenched his jaw. I was crying so much and felt really emotional — I needed to go to the bathroom to calm myself down... so I stood up and headed for the door.
'I need to go to the restroom —' I was midway through my sentence when all of a sudden, he grabbed my hand which made me flinch and drove me against the wall forcefully.

He pinned his arm on the wall, making a small noise and closed the gap between us. 'Don't go...' He whispered softly into my ear. We were dangerously close and I couldn't move. 


Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far :) Although I have no experience in fanfictions and this is my first time, I pray that you all like it <3

- Panda 💝

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