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1.) Age?
14, I'm a baby

2.) Where do you live?
Indiana, USA. Help.

3.) What languages do you speak?
English, working on Spanish, and I know a little bit of French

4.) Favorite fictional character and why?
(This will be long prepare urself) Draco Malfoy. Okay I'm really drawn to characters with a lot of complexity and different layers. Characters that aren't completely good or completely bad (though I do tend to favor ones that lean slightly more towards the bad side). But Draco is just so complex, and his whole story is pretty emotional imo. He gets this bad rep and everyone just writes him off as an asshole, but if you think about why he's like that it's so much deeper. He's spent his entire life surrounded by his family, and the pureblood ideology. He'd never even been exposed to the idea that muggleborns were equal to "purebloods" at all until he got to Hogwarts. He'd been raised and expected to be this way. As for the Death Eater thing, he had no choice. He couldn't opt out, because of his family. It was either join Voldemort and the Death Eaters, or get him and more than likely half his family killed. Draco wanted not only to preserve his own life (as much as I love him I'll never say he was particularly brave most of the time) but his family's. Idk if you've noticed but even though they suck Draco still loved his family so much. He truly did have no choice and his whole story has so many different viewpoints and perspectives and layers I love it.

5.) Which fictional universe do you wish you could live in and why?
Harry Potter universe. God, that'd be incredible. I mean, other than Voldemort running around killing people. But other than that

6.) Favorite season and why?
Fall !! Its so pretty and the leaves holy fuck I love it and its the PERFECT weather and HALLOWEEN !!!!! um except the tail end of fall then I get extreme seasonal depression BUT THE REST OF IT IS GREAT

7.) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Rome. I've already been but fuck its gorgeous

8.) Favorite author?
Joanne Rowling I love her more than life itself

9.) Any collections?
Um yeah but they're all pitiful lmao. I have like 3 pop dolls. I'd buy more but they're low key expensive ($10 is expensive for pop dolls imo smh). I also collect literally everything I can afford that's harry potter related, but that collection isn't pitiful.

10.) If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Um probably shape shifting ? i mean it would be p cool. First of all, I COULD BE A FUCKING DRAGON, second, turning into Mad-Eye and shouting "CONSTANT VIGILANCE" also turning into ppl near me and just following them around or pretending to be them and acting really fucking weird.

11.) Best accomplishment of your life?
This question always depresses me I've accomplished nothing noteworthy. Um once I ate a whole bowl of pudding within the span of half a family guy episode? That's it

12.) Favorite emojis?
Not sure if y'all will even be able to see these but 🐍🐝🌚🐢🍆💦🍑🖖🖕✌👌🐕 are all nice emojis

13.) Favorite band?
Palaye Royale

14.) One fictional character you wish was real and why?
Harry Potter, just bc of all the sass I need more of it than what JK could condense into 7 books (never forget, "there's no need to call me 'sir' professor" fucking legend)

15.) What annoys you most?
Slow walkers and people who scream (or talk excessively loud) for no reason

16.) Have you gone to university?

17.) Describe the room you're currently in?
Its where I keep all my instruments so I'm surrounded by 4 guitars, 2 ukuleles, a bass, a bell set, a piano, and a drum set (okay the drumset is in the next room but its an open wall so it counts)

18.) Hobbies?
Playing music, writing, drawing, reading, that fun stuff

19.) How many siblings do you have?
I have a sister

20.) Your guilty pleasure?
Idk nothing I like I'm really ashamed of or feel I should be. Ig some music that sceenie weenies listen to I still really love like Pierce the Veil and tbh Asking Alexandria lmao

21.) Your favorite person (in real life)?
Greg, he's my best friend and he's hella rad

22.) If you could have any profession, what would it be?
I'd love to be a musician but if that doesn't work out a tattoo artist

23.) Piece of advice you'd give to someone younger than you?
Realize early on you don't need to make anyone but you happy. I mean yeah being nice to everyone is cool but if they're a toxic cunt drop them bc ur mental health should be ur #1 priority

24.) Describe the worst time of your life?
It was a little over a year ago, I had so much going on. Literally all my friends but one hated me (shout out to Greg, thanks for putting up with my shit mate) and I'm fairly certain wished me dead. I was anorexic, harming myself, and wanted to die. Um yeah not a great time but I'm,,, ok now

25.) What kind of phone do you have?
Idk Kyocera something

26.) Tablet?
I don't have one rn since its summer but during the school year the school distributes iPads to students they keep

27.) Secret talent?
Lol what I have no non secret talents nvm secret ones

28.) What kind of magic do you think you'd be good at?
Potions probably

29.) If you were a demigod, who would your godly parent be?
Um I'm guessing this is @ Percy Jackson fans. Can't relate but I do like Greek mythology and tbh I love Hades so I'll say him

30.) Ask anything else!

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