every perrentes ever

25 4 1

I'm right and you know I am

tony pov of view

(edgy divider)

I got out of bed 2 get ready for hell i mean school ugh I hate school I get bullied every day ))): BC I'm gay even though it's 2016 and realistically no1 cares that much anymore if you like dick or vagina

I put on a Dead View/Rebel 8/Key Street shirt and hat because no other brands exist. I had 2 wear a hoodie to cover my cuts

r ur jokes still funny )))):

don't yell @ me for making cutting jokes pls

anywhore I left mi home without eating breakfast bc I'm already fat &&&& depressed )))): even though my mum made a huge ass fuckin breakfast feast

I walked 2 hell I mean school and was 15 minutes late 2 class but I don't care bc my lazy ass isn't going to college even though I really should

a tall giraffe boy stand at front of class he's so cute sigh he's probably straight and has girls suckin his dick 26/9

69 (;

he had full tattoo sleeves even though he's like fuckin 17 so cool omg !!!1!

wow he's hot

"ya ik I am" the dude said

o no did I say that out loud !¿!?

"ya u did lmao"


"class this is mike is new say hi mike sit next to tony"


mike sat next 2 me in every single one of my classes even though it's highly unlikely he'd even get placed in every one of my classes !!

@ lunch a bully oliver sykes dumped his food on me even tho he has nothing to eat now and he or his family had to pay for that food

"kys" he yell I run away && cry

I cut myself in the middle of the bathroom floor suddenly a n angle appear !!

"hey don't do the thing" it say it MIKE !!

he kissed my scars bc of that one lyric and then say"I love you"

"I love u 2 "I say

we frickle frackle

the end

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