o shit new theory

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ok new theory I just made up myself,,,,

I just started rereading the chamber of secrets and you all know that theory I had a couple chapters back about draco being the "hero" ??

this kinda goes along with that lmao


y'all know how Dobby tried to keep Harry out of Hogwarts, right? and how dobby belongs to the Malfoy family?

he never said this in the movie but in the book Fred said that house elves can't preform magic without their masters permission. so a Malfoy had to tell dobby he could use magic at Harry's house.

dobby knew about the chamber, that's why he was warning Harry. draco had to know too, it only makes sense. I think he tried to get dobby to keep harry out

basically Draco ordered Dobby to try to keep Harry away from Hogwarts so he wouldn't get hurt that's all

before I go can I just

"He's so smart, wonderful Potter with his scar and his broomstick-"

"You have told me this at least a dozen times already," said Mr. Malfoy.

-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, chapter four, page 50.

look it up

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