fandom tag

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I'm so fucking annoying lmao I never do anything except tags but hEy

1.) First person I've ever obsessed over?
I think it was like Andy Biersack or something?? Not into him anymore but

2.) Current obsession?
Harry Potter 👌

3.) Favorite band?
Palaye Royale. Absolute Daddies right there 👅💦🍆

4.) Favorite singer?
I'd say either MCR Gerard Way (since his solo vocals are completely different) or Remington Leith

5.) Favorite YouTuber?
I honestly don't watch YouTubers, but idk Brandon Rogers is pretty funny

6.) First concert?
It was P!nk on the Truth About Love tour. I absolutely adore her

7.) Favorite movie?
I have an equal love for Harry Potter movies 6-8. They all make me cry so that's good. I also rlly love Sweeney Todd

8.) Favorite actor/actress?
This is basic af but I rlly love Johnny Depp like he's in almost all my favorite movies outside of Harry Potter (I mean he was in fantastic beasts but)

9.) First celebrity crush?
Idk I didn't really get celebrity crushes until I was like 12 and got into sceenie weenie music,,, like it was probably Andy Biersack or some shit

10.) Ever got made fun of for what I like?
I mean my friends will sometimes tease me because I like emo music but hey it's not bad ya know. It's all lighthearted shit though so like not really???

11.) Favorite Book?
Harry Potter of course, but I love 6 and 7 equally just like with the movies. They're just so good???? And I'm crying like the whole time and they're v important for Drarry and it's just v good

12.) Favorite TV show?
I don't watch TV honestly but I did really like Stranger Things so ok

13.) Favorite fictional character?
I love Draco Lucius Malfoy more than I love myself he's an asshat who's moody and sad and I love him

14.) Something I love about a fandom I'm in?
I really love all the things the Harry Potter fandom universally agrees on like the HARRYDIDJAPUTYANAMEINDAGOBLETOFIYA thing, mutual hatred for Umbridge, being annoyed at harry casting Lumos in the beginning of the POA movie, etc.

15.) Something I hate about a fandom I'm in?
Ummm idk I don't have many problems with this fandom I think we're p good? Except a few fucking weird ass ships like HermionexSnape, LuciusxDraco, VoldemortxHermione, shit like that. I mean if you're into that good on ya but it's,,,, not my cup of tea

16.) Would I take a bullet for the people I fanboy over?
I fanboy over a blonde angry fuck who was bitter 6 years over a rejected handshake and a dude with dumb glasses that apparently can't die like,,,,,  for draco ya but harry there's no need tbh

17.) Do I ever hide the fact that I like something out of fear of being teased?
No lmao I don't ever shut the fuck up about Harry Potter like I essentially have "ID SUCK DRACOS DICK" tattooed on my forehead

18.) Have I ever met any of my idols?
Yes I've met Palaye Royale twice and I adore them honestly,,, and I've met Patty Walters and they're all super sweet OK

19.) Do I have any merch of the people I fanboy over?
I have Palaye shirts and a couple HP shirts,,, one of them has a very creepy picture of Voldemort on it, so that's nice

20.) Favorite fanboy moment?
I recently went to Universal Studios and I kinda just ?¿? died ?¿? when we went to Weasleys Wizard Wheezes it was fun

This has been gr88 my dudes seeya next time I decide to do a tag probably

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