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OkAy hey you guys guess what

two hella great things have happened in the last two days

one, I got Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in the mail yesterday and it's so fucking good I'm already almost finished

someone who's finished acts 1-3 come be emo with me AnD DONT SPOIL ACT 4 FOR ME I'M NOT DONE

yEs also

OK I'm in choir with 8538 girls and like 4 other boys idk


my choir teacher was sorting us into soprano, alto, + putting the boys in baritone.

I was put into alto, which I was fine with tbh. like I'm not on T or hormone blockers or anything so like my voice is still somewhat high and feminine

so THEn

my teacher says "yo rib u wanna do the baritone fam"

I'm paraphrasing but

so I'm like "heck yeah fam"

so I'm in baritone now, which is actually a huge fucking deal to me as a trans boy, since girls don't do baritone.

And it's pretty cool because I can actually sing baritone? but I can still sing hella high if I want to? my vocal range is gr8?


ANYWAYs im happy + wanted to share w/ y'all have a nice day

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