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lmao throwback to when I updated here like twice a day

it's been like 17 days idk smh

anyways I'm here to talk about people asking authors to update because it's really annoying (^:

okay so if you're an author (or a reader who looks at comments) you've probably come across someone who comments some variation of "update!"

readers, please don't comment anything like that. please. it's annoying and puts a ton of pressure on the author, which usually causes them to actually take longer.

there is, obviously, a difference between "I can't wait until the next update i hope it's soon" and harassing and messaging the author. saying you hope the author updates soon is one thing that's 100% okay. obviously,  harassment is not.

this all depends on the author, of course. some are fine with update comments, others not so much.

me? I like to know that someone is  apparently dying for me to update because I know people are interested in my work, but like I said it just adds pressure.

fam I'm in all GT classes and doing maths 2 years above grade level while maintaining a very busy social life and family life, as well as learning several instruments and languages while writing 3 books at once do u think I need any more pressure?

no I do not.

so yeah, bottom line don't beg for updates unless you know the author doesn't mind OK goodnight

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