Well fuck (help)

32 2 9

so there was this person I used to be with a while back and after the breakup we fought a lot

I said some pretty shitty things (I have a bad habit of doing so at my worst), but they weren't much nicer. all in all we were both dicks to each other.

due to that, I lost a mutual friend and so that friend and ex both pretty much hate me now and won't talk to me.

I have another friend who's still friends with both of them and me and talks about them quite a bit. it's kind of bothered me but I've just dealt with it.

anyways, what I need help with. I'm stuck between apologizing to the ex or to continue not speaking to them. I would really like to apologize but I don't see the point because I've tried before but they just ignored me. I also don't want to apologize because they haven't been the greatest person to me either, without going into detail.

please help??

Thoughts.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα