"You know this song?" I asked. I could tell she was startled. She jumped a bit, and I felt a bit embarassed, and guilty.

"Yeah, it's my favorite song." She answered. A smile spread across her face, and I didn't know someone could be that beautiful. I nodded and shifted slightly in my seat. I reached for the volume, and twisted the knob. The singing and music became louder and clearer. I listened carefully at the music, and I couldn't help but think of Annabel. I looked over at her, and her eyes were shut. Her head leaned against the headrest, and she looked so gentle, so relaxed. I swallowed, and looked at the road, and pulled into the hospital's parking space. I made my way to the passenger's side of the car, and helped Annabel out. We walked into the hospital, and made our way to the room mum was staying in, in silence.

I softly snuck through the door, Annabel following behind.

"Mum?" I whispered. She stirred slightly, and looked over to me.

"Harry," She smiled, causing wrinkles to form by her eyes.

"We have a visitor." I smiled. Annabel appeared at my side, causing my mum to sit up straighter.

"Hello, ma'am." Annabel blushed. She made her way to the chair that sat next to the hospital bed.

"Oh please, call me Anne." Mum smiled brightly, and turned to look at her.

"Anne," Annabel repeated. "It's so nice to meet you. I'm Annabel." I knew mum recognized her name, by the way her eyes got more excited.

"Oh, Annabel, it's so nice to meet you! Harry has talked about you to me before-"

"Um, Mum," I interrupted, clearing my throat. "here's your shake." I handed the cup to her, as she reached out to grab it. I could see Annabel getting pinker by the second, as she tried hiding her smile. It didn't work.

"How are you feeling?" Annabel asked.

"Oh, just fine. I can not wait to leave this place!" Mum laughed. Annabel joined in, and I stood awkwardly not knowing what to do. This was going to be a long visit.


~Annabel's POV~

Harry's mum was so kind and genuine. I wanted to stay there forever, and just talk about things with her. She liked literature books just like me, which means Harry wasn't lying about that being the reason how he knows Sense and Sensibility. But I can still sense something more to that. Somehow, I found myself wishing Anne was my mom. And I know it sounds bad, but I have a reason for it. Harry's mom- Anne, was so laid back. So kind, and friendly, and not at all judgmental. I could tell she had a kind heart, and I knew she loved Harry, with everything she had. My mom on the other hand, was so uptight. She always worried about things, and every little thing had to be perfect. If my mother found out I've been "seeing" Harry, she'd throw a fit. I know she would judge him. And that's what I hate about my mother. It's what's on the inside that counts, and she taught me that when I was younger, yet she doesn't follow that rule herself.

"We should get going," Harry spoke up after about an hour. I looked at the clock, that read 4:34. I nodded, and looked at Anne.

"This has been wonderful, thank you." I spoke.

"Thank you for coming by, sorry you had to see me this way." She chuckled.

"Don't apologize, you look fine! Hopefully you'll go home soon!" I laughed. Harry walked me out of the hospital, and into the car.

"Do you want me to drive you back to your car?" He asked as we climbed into the seats.

"That'd be great, thanks." I nodded.

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