A Checkup

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A/N sorry I didn't update sooner, I ran out of backlogged chapters and ended up binge watching a new season, so enjoy 2000 extra words ;)

"I really hope it goes ok tomorrow," Jack said out loud. He was sitting on the couch in the place that was apparently his and Signe's home; it was a fucking rich house. The rooms were bright and homey with a welcoming vibe to it, and the surroundings did feel familiar to Jack as he sat there with his head resting against the back of the couch.

"The court case?" Signe murmured, curled up beside him. Jack nodded and tilted his head at her.

"Yeah... I'm worried. What if they say no, and that Mark can't be his own citizen? What if they decide to continue what the Koreans tried to start? What if they decide to keep Mark locked up like some prisoner or an animal?"

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Signe coaxed. "I'm sure you guys will do great..." She paused and looked out the large window that was beside them. "Speaking of which, where did he go? He's been gone a while."

"I don't know..." Jack leaned over Signe to peer outside. When Felix had gotten the call two days ago, Ken had been persuaded not only to free Mark from all of his chains, but to also let him go outside the premises under Jack's watchful eye. This gave Jack and Signe open time to teach Mark the basics in how to act like a regular human.

Mark suddenly emerged from the countryside and came over to the lavish house that was separated from society, his hair wet and his skin moist, wearing only his jeans and no shirt.

"Oh there you are." Jack slid off the couch to look through the window better, and he smiled up at Mark. "Did you get washed up in that waterfall?" He asked. Mark nodded. "That's good. See, doesn't it feel better to be a little cleaned up? You were starting to get a little dirt on ya." Mark shrugged and ran his fingers through his hair as Signe turned away from the tv to look over at the two boys.

"Oh Mark, the order we placed for those clothes came this morning if you want to go try those on now," she told.

"... ok," Mark rumbled quietly.

"They should be at the front of the house." Signe pointed to the front door. "Big cardboard box, you can't miss it." Mark lumbered to the front of the house, disappearing from the two humans' sights for a moment. Jack sighed and slumped back in his seat, then looked over at Signe.

"We're starting to act like parents," he chuckled as he shifted his foot cast to adjust it. Signe blushed and her cheeks got rosy pink at his words.

"I guess so," she shyly agreed. Jack smiled and gave her a little kiss on the cheek, making Signe blush and look away as she placed her hand over her mouth, abashed.

"I know I don't have my memories back yet... but I think it's safe to say that I love you," Jack said with a small smile on his face. Signe smiled back.

"I love you too, Sean," she replied as Mark returned to the window. The giant was wearing a brand new red and black flannel, but he was having trouble buttoning it.

"Problem Mark?" Jack called out, noticing this.

"... I don't... understand...?" Mark mumbled, tugging at the shirt. Jack sighed sympathetically and climbed out of his seat again.

"Look, you take the button," he started saying, demonstrating with his hands. "And then you just slide it in to the hole, and push it through..." It took Mark a few tries before he managed to button up his shirt, and he smoothed a wrinkle out of the fabric as Jack grinned.

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