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Jack twisted his shirt and squeezed the last of the water out of it, the fire hissing as drops fell onto the hot wood.

"Well, today was sure one hell of a day," Jack said, looking up at Mark. The two had made their way back down to the beach, and Jack had started a fire so that they could dry their clothes and keep warm. It was nighttime, and Mark had quickly gathered some wood for the two to make the large fire and huddle up beside it for warmth, with Jack shirtless and trying to get his shirt dry, and Mark staring at the fire.

Mark had never seen a proper fire before, so he had almost touched the flames before Jack had warned him to not burn himself, leaving Mark to watch the fire with wide eyes of wonder. The flames on Jack's torch back in the cave had been way too small for Mark to burn himself with, let alone see the tiny flames dancing in a tango of light against the darkness, so he was still fascinated by the element.

Jack got up and walked around to Mark, seeing that his arm was still badly injured.

"Hey Mark, take off your shirt," Jack told him as he put his own shirt back on and set his crutch down beside his jacket. His makeshift crutch was a sturdy piece of wood Mark had broken from a branch for the human, and while his leg and head still hurt like hell, Jack was grateful for it. Mark turned and looked at Jack, and he gave a low growl of confusion.

"We gotta clean that wound up," Jack explained, limping over to some supplies they had gathered. Jack bent over and grabbed some leaves that, according to Mark's intuition, had healing components that Jack had asked for. "Besides, there's some blood on it, and it needs to dry properly." Mark looked at his arm before tugging on his shirt, then hesitantly lifted his arms up and pulled his shirt off. Jack was crushing the leaves into his hand, and he carried the poultice over to his giant friend.

"Alright, lay down." Mark laid down and folded his arms out in front of him, showing Jack his wounds. "Ugh." Jack wrinkled his nose and set his spare leaf down. "He got you good." Mark scrunched his nose up and whined as Jack smeared the leaf juice over his wound. "Oh, I know, I know it hurts," Jack coaxed. "I know buddy, you're gonna be fine though. You were really brave going and fighting him. And then when he tossed me in the water!" Jack swung his head up at Mark. "You fucking saved my life, again. What's that, like... the fifth time you've saved me?"

Mark gave a small shrug.

"Ah well, doesn't matter." Jack looked up at Mark again. "Point is, buddy... thanks. I'd be dead if it wasn't for you. I don't know how many times I would have died if you weren't there for me, and then I went and fucked you over by making you vulnerable, so... thanks for putting up with me, I guess is what I'm trying to say." Jack cleared his throat and focused on the cut once more, only to be nudged by a nuzzle on the head. He was surprised, then smiled.

"Awwww... you're such a teddy bear!" Jack said cheerfully. Mark purred and nuzzled his friend again, and Jack giggled with his arms out. "Hey, careful, I've got leaf juice all over my hands!" Mark shifted back into a comfortable position as Jack went over to the ocean and washed his hands, and then he came back as Mark sat up and checked on his shirt. As he did so, the Irishman noticed some scars around his navel and frowned.

"... where did you get those scars?" He asked curiously. Mark stiffened and pulled away from the fire, hunching over and folding his arms over his abdomen with a small whine. "Can I see them?" He gently asked with a soft smile, seeing that Mark was shy about them. Mark hesitated for a moment, thinking, then hesitantly nodded and returned to the bonfire. He laid down on his side as Jack came over and looked at the markings up close.

The first scar he noticed was the biggest, it was a long one that ran from the bottom of the giant's ribcage down between his abs and through his belly button, and stopped just above his jeans. The others were smaller incisions, but they all looked rather well healed.

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