Miles Away|Yuri Plisetsky x Reader Angst

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Requested by: @amypingu

Enjoy! :3

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When you saw Yuri Plisetsky it was at the Grand Prix finals, the way he skated was just gorgeous, maybe gorgeous was a understatement. His performance was so unexplainable and breathtaking. Yuri had broken the record too; at age 15. You applauded with everyone else in the arena , screaming and hollering. People had thrown flowers and gifts for light blonde haired boy onto the ice. You were so happy for Yuri and the smile on his face proved it. His coach was smiling too which was rare for Yakov. You've known Yuri since you both were small children. But ever since you were 10 years of age, your mother had brought up you were moving to a whole new country overseas , when you found out you weren't very overjoyed. You'd miss the weather, the snow, your friends and grandparents but most of all Yuri. As a child you weren't the most talkative kid and you were very shy. It was a bit of a obstacle to make any new friends. The other kids at school would tease you for being the quiet one. But Yuri would always have your back in those situations; sometimes it'd lead him to beat the other kids too. Yuri would get in trouble often due to protecting you, but he didn't care. All he wanted was for you to be happy and safe by his side.

" Yuri.. there's something important I need to tell you..." you mumbled looking to the ground. He looked to you with a small frown of worry, he's never seen you so sad looking.

" What is it ( Y/N) ?, please don't be sad...." Yuri said looking into your (E/C) eyes. You were met to his sea foam ones. They were more green but had specks of blue. His eyes were so beautiful to you, it always to your breath away.

" I'm moving far away.....oversea..." you mumbled biting your lip. There was no way you could cry in front of Yuri, but that failed. Tears fell into your rosy cheeks and onto your hands one by one. Yuri pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you tightly. He started to play with your hair, brushing his hands through it.

" Hey hey.....don't cry (Y/N). I-I'll come visit you!" He shouted. Yuri didn't want to lose his best friend; he himself was holding back his own tears. There was nothing he could do to stop (Y/N) from moving but he wishes he could of. Since the day you told him the both of you would hang out;

But eventually that day came.

Where the two of  you were torn; miles and miles away from each other. The whole way you couldn't say much. It was a long flight to your new home. But you didn't want that place to be your new home; you wanted to go back home to place you were born. To the place you saw your first Christmas and the place where Yuri was. That was home, nothing else could and ever will be home.

Years went by, 5 to be exact. It felt like yesterday you left Russia but over the past couple years you've been able to see Yuri........on TV. He's now becoming a famous upcoming skater. Anytime you'd see his name or see him on TV your heart ached. Watching him skate was surely something special; you could watch it for hours. Your mother would only shake her head and chuckle as she saw you watching so contently with the slightest amount of excitement. She watched for a minute never seeing her daughter so happy. It took her moment but when she saw the television it was unmistakable that; there on the screen was (Y/N's) childhood friend, Yuri Plisetsky.

The look that was on your face like none she's seen before or at least not for awhile. Your eyes had some kind of glimmer to it; and your hands clasped together o' so tightly in hopes to see Yuri win. The mother knew the look in your face, she knew you and him were friends but didn't know how close you actually were.

There were days were you asked yourself one question; " What would of been like if you still lived in Russia?".
That's something you'd always ask yourself. But you'll never know the answer. There were nights that would faint you thinking you may not see Yuri ever again but little did you know, a fateful encounter would soon approach.

Your mother had bought tickets to the next event in which Yuri would be skating at. This was a small surprise she had planned ever since she saw you watch him on TV. Watching Yuri perform live would be something else, much better than watching it on a small television.

The trip had you happy all the way through. This was so opposite compared to your last plane trip. You'd finally see Yuri again...Yuri had taken over your thoughts the whole way there. "Hopefully he will remember me" you mumbled. Luckily your mother had gotten front row seats closest to the rink. It was your mission to see Yuri again and you were determined.

Yuri on the other hand lay in his bed with his cat on his chest, thinking to himself. The final competition was tomorrow...pressure was building for the competition. There he lay wide awake unable to sleep; maybe a quick jog would help him fall asleep. As he got up he tripped on a small box and fell to the ground face first. Yuri swore under his breath and turned his lights on, rubbing his eyes. The box was worn and had so dust on it. Yuri had almost no recollection of this box....what was inside it?

He opened it to find his childhood memories, with pictures and rocks and a necklace you gave him before you left. Don't get him wrong, the reason he didn't wear it was because he was scared of losing whatever little piece of you he had left. The necklace had a small green pendent stone and was quite small. Yuri put it on looking in the mirror, holding it up to see the small details of the necklace noticing it could open. It was a locket with a picture of you and him in it. He closed it holding back small tears that formed in his eyes. Losing his best friend was too much to fathom. With that, his heart ached as he lean against his bed whispering one more thing before dosing off.

" I miss you (Y/N)....I miss you so much."


Word Count: 1,120

This was getting long so there will be a part 2 continuation!

Sorry for the long wait @amypingu

Deepest apologies,


{COMPLETED} Yuri!!! On Ice | X Reader Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें