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Jeonghan was walking around the school because of boredom. Classes have ended but he still doesn't feel like going home so he decided to take a walk, kicking every stone that he encounters on his way.

After several thoughts about what Soonyoung has said the other day, he already knew what his real feelings are. He couldn't deny that he missed Joshua and everytime that he sees him together with Seokmin, the pang on his chest happens again. Whenever he opens his past drawings of Joshua and Seokmin together, he doesn't feel any spark anymore. It's as if he became a captain who neglected his ship and caused it to sink.

He shook his head and brushed his thoughts off. It would be so shameless of him if he tries to communicate with him again. About Seungcheol and Jihoon, of course he missed them, too. But he doesn't have any idea of what to do with those two anymore. With Jihoon's stubbornness and Seungcheol's feeling's for Jihoon, he doubts that he'll be okay with any of them soon.

He was still walking when he received an unexpected message from one of his friends, Seungkwan.

Seungkwan is also a student in the same university, but he rarely talks with Jeonghan and his other friends because he was too busy with the clubs that he joined.

ATTENTION MY BELOVED FANS!!! Go to the music room asap. I'm gonna show you a performance that you've never seen before! Your one and only, Divaboo. <3

From: Seungkwanie

Jeonghan smiled due to amusement. Seungkwan loved performing but it always turns out funny in the end, although you couldn't deny that his vocals is really something.

He walked his way into the music room but before he could even reach the door, he heard Jihoon and Seungcheol's voice inside. The door was open so it was even more audible. He leaned on the wall to eavesdrop once again to other people's conversation.

"I'm practicing okay? Get out before I could smash this guitar on your face!"

It was obviously Jihoon.

"Why are you so stubborn?! Can't you just accept the fact that I don't like Jeonghan? I have no feelings for Jeonghan!"

By the sound of Seungcheol's voice, Jeonghan could tell that he is already getting frustrated because of Jihoon. He couldn't help but to shake his head because even him is getting stressed out because of their conversation.

"Really? Prove it then!"

Jeonghan slightly peeked on the inside and saw Seungcheol's hand balling into fist.

"Shit this is not good." He muttered. He knew that Seungcheol is going to snap anytime right now and he wouldn't like Seungcheol and Jihoon's relationship to even get worse. Seungcheol's still his bestfriend after all.

He took a deep breath and stepped inside the room. Seungcheol looked so shocked when he saw Jeonghan and Jihoon furrowed his eyebrows.

"Did you hear all that?" Jihoon asked, looking at the ground.

"I did." Jeonghan answered.

Jeonghan took another deep breath because he feels like he's probably going to snap soon.

"Seungcheol and I aren't a thing."

"Don't pity me. I don't need it."

Jeonghan closed his eyes and sighed. Clearly, nobody could beat Jihoon's stubbornness.

"You're making everything complicated! Do you really like seeing everyone suffer because of you? Seungcheol likes you. Stop insisting that he likes me and that I like him because clearly, I don't." He paused a bit to take a few breaths and turned to look at Seungcheol. "And you!" He shouted, pointing at Seungcheol making him take a small step back. "You suddenly stopped talking to me and treated me like a complete stranger without giving me a reason! Do you know how depressing that was?! Because of you I was forced to do things that I shouldn't have. Because of you I developed feelings for Joshua so unexpectedly and now my peaceful mind is all fucked up!"

Suddenly they heard a gasp which turned the whole room quiet. The three of them turned into where it came from and saw all of their friends on the door.

Jeonghan's eyes darted into someone he wasn't expecting to be there, Joshua. He couldn't hide his embarrassment so he hurriedly got out of the room and started walking away from them. He heard Mingyu call him but he just ignored it and went to the farthest place he could go to.

He went their dorm, threw his bag on the couch and slumped himself on his bed, burying his face under the pillow.

"Kill me now, please, anyone."

The Silent Shipper [JIHAN]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ