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It has been a few days since Jeonghan told the truth to Joshua. They never talked to each other since then. They are like strangers. It was even worse than before he asked him on a date. He told Junhui what he did and now Junhui is secretly feeling guilty about it. He was pretty sure that Joshua was hurt.

"Hyung are you alright?" Mingyu asked worriedly. Jeonghan has been playing with his food for a few minutes already and he has been so silent that it really bothers him.

Jeonghan didn't reply as if he didn't hear him. Mingyu let out a deep sigh and shot Junhui a glare.

"What the hell did you do to Jeonghanie-hyung, Junhui?!" Minghao yelled at Junhui who was sitting beside him.

Junhui put his hands up as if he's surrendering to the cops. "I didn't do anything!.. Okay maybe I did." He gave up. Minghao might look like the fluffiest person alive but he could be real scary when angered.

"Explain to me. Now." Minghao commanded with a stern voice.

Junhui explained everything from the night he told Jeonghan about that fatuous plan until the day when Jeonghan told Joshua the truth. Minghao was furious about what happened, but Junhui was already expecting that reaction.

"It's not your fault, Junhui." Jeonghan suddenly spoke which turned the whole table silent. "I was the one who did it. Not you." Jeonghan stood up first.

"Where are you going, hyung? You're not even done with your food yet." Mingyu asked.

"I'll go to the library to spend the rest of the break." He plainly said and headed to the said location.

He wasn't even planning on reading anything. He actually saw Soonyoung at the other table but he chose not to bother him since his real intention why he came in the library in the first place was to have some time alone. He opened a book and put it on the table without the intention of reading it. So he just stared of it while thinking of what's wrong with himself. He has been feeling empty this past few days and he really hates it.

He slowly turned the pages one-by-one for no apparent reason.

Ugh I hate myself.

He ruffled his hair and groaned in frustration, shutting his eyes after to regain his composure.

Once he opened his eyes again, he noticed that Soonyoung was still there, also his gloominess. He was staring at something and when Jeonghan turned to see it, he saw Seokmin and Joshua together at the other table.

Usually, he'll feel excited when he sees them together but now he felt different. He felt a pang on his chest instead. That feeling that he felt even got worse when he looked at Soonyoung who was having a visible glassy eyes.

He couldn't help but to stand from his seat and transfer to the one next to Soonyoung. He is one of his friends and one of the things that he really hates is seeing one of them unhappy.

"Hey Soonyoung, what's the matter?" He asked and patted Soonyoung back.

Soonyoung didn't answer but instead looked at Seokmin and Joshua to indicate that they have something to do with it.

"Why?" Jeonghan asked.

Soonyoung stood up and dragged him outside of the library into a room.

"I'm very sorry, hyung."

"What are you saying? You didn't do anything wrong to me, Soonyoung." He calmly said.

"I did. I was the one who made that plan and told Junhui to tell you. I took advantage of the situation when I shouldn't have." He said, bowing down because of embarrassment.

"Everything about that doesn't matter anymore. Don't worry." He smiled at the younger to reassure that he isn't mad. "But why did you make it, anyway?" Jeonghan chortled. Somehow, he is amused of his younger friend's cuteness and it immediately lessened his bad mood.

"I like Seokmin. But he is always with Joshua and I couldn't find a right timing to be with him. I used Jihoon's stubbornness as an advantage." He sighed.

Jeonghan didn't even get mad at his friend's explanation. It's all done and he couldn't take back everything.

"Where is Seungcheol when I need him?" Jeonghan sighed.

"Jeonghan-hyung, do you really like Seungcheol-hyung?" Soonyoung seriously asked.

"No and he doesn't like me. Jihoon just doesn't listen. How hardheaded could that kid be?!" Jeonghan sighed again because of frustration.

"So you like Joshua then?" Soonyoung asked with a teasing tone and a cute smile that made him look like a hamster.

"I.. I don't think so."

"But I think so. I noticed how you were looking at them in the library. You were jealous, weren't you?"

"What? No I wasn't." He shook his head in denial.

"You didn't even take pictures of your one and only Seoksoo."

Jeonghan thought he was right. But he still couldn't accept his statement of him liking Joshua.

It's just not possible.. Or maybe it is?

Jeonghan thought as he felt his heart beating faster again.

Ok but like the media is cute af 😍

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