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Jeonghan rubbed his arms, shivering from the cold. His friend in front of him is still waiting for what he is about to say.

"Are you sure you're alright? I mean.. we could just talk tomorrow.." Jeonghan asked.

"No I'm alright. I'm a vampire, remember?"

"How awesome." Jeonghan plainly said, obviously with sarcasm.

"Want me to prove it?"

"Shut up Wen Junhui." Jeonghan quickly responded. He really doesn't like to memory from the past when Junhui pinned him against the wall and almost bit his neck. It was really terrifying cause he thought that he was really a real vampire. Also very embarrassing for he screamed so loud that the people at the Halloween party thought that Junhui was doing something wrong to him.

"What if I want to?" Junhui said while taking a step towards Jeonghan. "Are you being serious right now?" Jeonghan snorted. "I am." Junhui took another step.

"Look here you vampire." Jeonghan said and placed both of his hands on Junhui's shoulders. "If you don't stop right now I might tell my sunflower that you have a thing for me."

He really hates blackmailing people, but this time he needed to.

"Minghao has nothing to do with this. Not because you're both handsome and beautiful means that everyone will like you." Junhui said while pinching Jeonghan's cheeks making Jeonghan let go of him.

"So what am I here for again?" Junhui asked.

"You have to explain why your roommate is ignoring me."

Junhui sighed. "Just go with the flow Jeonghan. He thinks that he's gotta do this."

"You didn't explain at all." Jeonghan whined as he rested his back on the wall. "Seungcheol's too deep." Junhui can't help but sigh again as he copied Jeonghan's actions. "This is because of Jihoon. You know Seungcheol's feelings for Jihoon right? And right now Jihoon thinks that you like Seungcheol. Now he's staying away from you cause he thinks that Jihoon might talk to him again if he does so."

Jeonghan fake laughed. "He's ridiculous. He could've told Jihoon the truth."

"We all know how stubborn Jihoon is. He is not easy to convince." Junhui stated.

"What should I do then? We know how stubborn Jihoon is and about Seungcheol's feelings for him but you also know how important my bestfriend is for me. Junhui, I can't live without that jerk. He might hate me forever if Jihoon stays away completely."

"Shh don't cry there there." Junhui jokingly put his right arm around Jeonghan and pulled him closer, acting as if he's comforting him. Jeonghan on the other hand just tolerated his vampire friend for he is already used to those kind of skinships with Junhui.

"You love Choi Seungcheol right?"

"As a friend, bestfriend, and brother? Yes. But not the other way."

"Then I have an idea. This may seem bad but I think this could save your friendship... and you'll end up with a happy ending."

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