A Final Author's Note

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Hello, all you beautiful readers. It is I, the author.

(Please, don't kill me.)

I know, it took me a very, very long time to finish this god-forsaken fanfic. (Two years, actually.) Believe me, it hurt me as much as it hurt you.

And, I must admit, it's not exctly how I wanted it to go. I had wanted to stretch it out, to make it more fluffy, to make it not so rushed.

But alas, I could not bear to procrastinate any longer. I knew that if I didn't sit down and force myself to finish this, then it would never get done. So, apologies for the rushed ending and the cramped final chapters. I hope you understand.

To the ones who have been here supporting me these two long years (although there are only few), I want to thank you. You were the reason I didn't give up on this completely. And now I can say that I actually finished something! 40 chapters... Jesus. it feels like an accomplishment.

To the ones who joined about halfway, I want to thank you as well. I'm sorry you were here to witness the worst of my long hiatuses.

And finally, to the newcomers, welcome! I hope you enjoyed reading this thing I tried to pass as fanfiction... Please, leave a comment (if you'd like) and let me know what you thought of it all. I'd love to hear fom someone who was actually able to read through this brick consecutively, or even in one sitting. (Kudos to you, if you were able to do that.)

This will be the last Sherlock fanfiction I write for a long while... I might pick up a few oneshots again in the future, but who knows? In any case, I'll still be here every now and again, reading and commenting. Drop me a line, sometime. I'd love to hear from any of you.

And, if you are active on tumblr, please feel free to follow me.
         Main blog: @eyesfilledwith-stars
         Sherlock blog: @notacasualviewer

Andso, for the last time, I want to wish you all a fantastic day and send you all my love. Keep reading, commenting, and voting, lovelies... It's what you all do best. ;)

Tally-ho, my darlings.
I love you all to the moon and back.

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