Chapter Thirty-Four: Gone

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*Time Jump. Tbh, I've kind of lost track of the dates here. Just roll with it.*


You are logged on as John H. Watson.
     May 1st
Sherlock has had a few cases lately, but nothing too difficult. We have not heard anything from Moriarty, but we've been on the look out for anything pertaining to that case. I don't like having to wait around for something to happen. Not that I want something to happen, but I just... I don't like the anticipation.

Sherlock grows more restless by the day. I think the summer break will be good for him— for both of us. Mycroft and Greg graduated last week. I will be staying at Sherlock's house for a few weeks or so, and then I'll be with Harry the rest of the summer. I'll still be with Sherlock on a majority of his cases, though, so I will continue to post blog entries as much as I can.

"John?" Sherlock called from the kitchen. "Are you ready to go?" Everything was packed and ready. We each had our bags packed, our blankets folded and put away, and our room cleaned. It was odd to think that this might be the last time I see this room. Next year, we might be stuck in another dorm.

"Yeah, I'm ready!" I called back, closing my laptop and slipping it into my bag.

"Good. We're meeting Mycroft outside. He's pulling the car around."

We grabbed our things and walked out our door. We actually met Mycroft and Greg in the hallway. They were carrying out their things at the same time we were. "Hey," I greeted them. "Greg, are you coming with us?"

"Oh, no. I'm going home to my dad's. I start interning this summer at the Yard. I want to be a detective there." (A/N: I know that's not how it works. Shut up.)

"I think you'd make a great detective!" I encouraged him. Sherlock snorted. "Shut up, Sherlock. Not everyone can be a super genius like you." He just rolled his eyes.

"I'll go get the car. Wait here, you two," Mycroft instructed as he walked off with his things. I saw him kiss Leastrade goodbye just before they had to part ways.

We set our bags down on the curb and waited for Mycroft."What do you think Moriarty is waiting for?" I asked hesitantly.

"He's waiting for the perfect time," Sherlock said. "But there's nothing we can do right now. This is a great game of chess; we have to wait on his move."

The car ride was mostly silent.

"I'm dropping the two of you off at the house, then I have to go into London. I have some errands to do," Mycroft told us with a grimance. I'm pretty sure "errands" falls under the category of "legwork."

As I walked in the front door of the enormous house, I noticed that something was off about it. "Sherlock, where are your parents?"

"On holliday in Paris. It's their anniversary. The house is a lot more welcoming without them to welcome you, don't you think?" he smirked.

"I didn't want to be the one to say it," I chuckled. "I'll bring my stuff up in a minute. I'm just getting a drink."

"Yeah, help yourself." The doorbell chimed as I was pouring a glass of water. "Damn it. Could you get that?" Sherlock called, as he was in the middle of juggling all his stuff up the stairs.

"Yeah, sure!" I made my way to the front door, drink in hand. "Hello?"

"John Watson?" It was a man in his early twenties, I'd say, with huge arms and broad shoulders. He had a scar across his forhead.

"Yes? Can I help you— Mmm, hhmnn!!" I was silenced as the guy held a foul-smelling rag over my nose and mouth; I tried to struggle away, or at least hold my breath, but he was too strong. The last thing I heard was the sound of glass shattering on the tiled floor.

Everything went black.



"John...?" I called. The house was eerily silent. I made my way down to the kitchen in search of him. "John, where—" I stopped short in front of the entryway. Clear signs of a struggle. Door left open, scuff marks on the linoleum, John's drinking glass shattered on the floor. I felt my chest tighten. I ran to the door, looking for any sort of clues, but I gave up after a few minutes. There were no leads.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Mycroft's number. "Pick up, pick up..." I chanted as I ran out into the street. There were no cars going by. I was searching, searching, but there was nothing to find. John was just... gone.

My brother answered on the fifth ring. "Sherlock?"

"Mycroft! It's John, I... Someone took him. I don't—" Something struck me on the back of my head. I felt the phone tumble out of my fingers as I slumped to the pavement.

"Sherlock? Sherlock, what's going on? Where's..." After that, I didn't register anything else.



I hung up the phone and quickly turned the car around. I don't know what's happening, but I haven't heard Sherlock that frantic since the time Redbeard ran away for two days and we couldn't find him anywhere.

I made the twenty minutes drive back home in half that time, only to find Sherlock's phone cracked on the pavement, the front door wide open, and a glass cup shattered in the entryway.

What the hell happened here?



I hung up my phone. I sat wide-eyed at Scotland Yard, trying to process what Mycroft just told me.

Sherlock and John were... gone. Just like that. Missing. Taken. Myc was trying to figure out what happened, but apparently he wasn't coming up with any leads. At least, nothing of any consequence.

Myc had asked me to come over as soon as I could. I could hear the panic in his voice. This was Sherlock we were talking about; Myc would do anything to protect his younger brother. I jumped from my chair.

"Dad! We're going to need your help with something!"

(A/N: I was going to wait a few days to post this, but I decided I didn't want to wait. I think I've found a burst of inspiration: I've written about four chapters in the past two days. So, expect a bunch of updates within the next week or so.

I am evil, I know. But don't act like you don't love this angst.

Keep up the votes, darlings. And while you're at it, why don't you comment and tell me how much you're liking (or not liking) this thing I'm trying to pass as a story? :3

(P.s.: I want to apologize in advance for the dark chapters to come. You thought this fic was all fluff? Think again.))

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