Twelve: Pajama Parties and Couch Cuddling

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(A/N: Yes, I know that one month is really early for a couple to say "I love you," but let's just forget about that, shall we? I mean, this is Johnlock here. Everyone knows they already love each other. So, here's an abnormally long fluffy chapter. Enjoy!)


Sherlock and I had decided to keep our relationship a secret for the time being. We knew that most people would be accepting, but we also knew that people like Donnovan and Anderson would make our lives a living hell. So, we kept it under wraps for now. They already tease us about "the freak an his boyfriend." I can only imagine how much worse it would get if they knew the truth.

When Lestrade confessed that he and Mycroft were together, I smiled and congratulated them, patting him on the shoulder. I think they're good together... The football captain and the head boy.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before someone found out.


Today is Sherlock and my one month anniversary; it's November 1st. I rolled over and blinked open my eyes. To my surprise, Sherlock wasn't in his bed. Or the bathroom, or the small kitchen space. However, there was a steaming cup of tea sitting in the counter, waiting. A note was propped against it. "John," it read:

Happy Anniversary, love. See, I can be romantic. Speaking of romantic, and the fact that it is Saturday and we have no classes, I have a whole day planned for us.

I know you don't like making a big fuss about things like this, and you know I don't like people in general, so I've decided to keep it simple. Don't bother changing out of your pajamas.

I'll be back shortly with breakfast. In the meantime, enjoy your tea.

I love you.

I smiled at the letter. "I love you, too," I whispered.

Sherlock never ceases to amaze me. Just the fact that he was attempting to be romantic was surprising. Sipping from the cup he made me, I crawled over to Sherlock's bed. It smelled like him, and I wrapped myself in his blankets, just as he walked in the door with a tray of food.

"What are you doing?"

The blankets were swaddled around me, my nose buried in them so that only my eyes were showing. "Yerr blunketss schmell like you," I mumbled, my voice muffled.

Sherlock stared at me for a second, trying to tell if I was kidding or not, before he doubled over with laughter, and he had to set the tray down before he dropped it. His eyes crinkled at the edges, and I was struck for the bazillionth time with his beauty. How could I have ended up with someone so amazing?

I let the blanket fall back to the bed, and Sherlock laughed even harder. Confused, I peered at myself in the mirror. The static from the blankets had given me classic hedgehog hair. I grinned.

Sherlock waltzed his way to me, bending his tall frame down to pull me into a deep kiss. "You are so adorable, my little hedgehog."

"Mmm," I hummed. "I love you." I felt him smile against my lips.

"So, what have you planned for us today?"

"Oh! Here, I brought breakfast," he remembered, handing me the tray. I noticed he'd actually gotten food for himself this time. "And, I figured..." He grabbed his laptop from amongst the clutter of science equipment and fell onto the bed next to me, "that you would appreciate a Doctor Who marathon."

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