Six: Lunch

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John's PoV

After our chuckles died down, I realized it was nearly lunchtime. "Want to go get something to eat?" I asked.

"Sure, I guess," Sherlock said as he stood to put on his coat. I made sure I had the key before we shut the door behind us.

"Did I get anything wrong?" Sherlock asked.

"My mother died two years ago, breast cancer. Harry and I don't get along, never have," I confirmed. "Clara and Harry split up three months ago and they're getting a divorce; and Harry is a drinker."

Sherlock looked impressed with himself. "Spot on, then. I didn't expect to be right about everything."

Oh, I loved that I was about to burst his little bubble. "And, Harry is short for Harriet."

Sherlock stopped suddenly, but I kept walking. "Harry's you sister," he asked, but it wasn't a question. More like a confirmation. "Your sister."

"Mmm-hmm," I smiled.

"There's always something," he murmured, slightly disappointed.

I just laughed. "Come on, 'Sherly,' let's go eat." My new roommate sent me a death glare.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

In the cafeteria, we went through the line for our food, and then I followed Sherlock to a table with a few people sitting at it. I recognised the silver-haired boy from earlier sitting across the table from me, and the girl named Sally who had called Sherlock a freak. Sherlock sat down, not acknowledging anyone, and keeping to himself. I hesitated, a bit shy, but Sherlock kicked the empty chair beside him out at me, a clear sign that I was supposed to sit there. "Sit down, John."

Everyone else at the table- six of them- looked up in surprise. Probably because Sherlock actually had someone else with him. I smiled a bit awkwardly as I sat down. Sherlock didn't even look up; he just stared down moodly and picked at his food. Luckily, someone else spoke up.

"John, right? I'm Greg Lestrade. I usually just go by my last name, though. This is Molly," he motioned to a small, mousy-haired girl sitting on the other side of Sherlock. She blushed at the attention, but gave me a small smile. "Donnovan," he pointed at Sally, to the left of Molly, Sally was still staring at me, shocked. "Anderson," the greasy-haired boy was sitting entirely too close to Sally to be merely a friend sneered at me. Lestrade was to the left of Anderson, across from me, and an empty chair was beside him. Next, "Irene," who was wearing bright red lipstick, had perfect hair, and smiled at me flirtatiously. "And Mary." The pretty blonde next to me smiled.

"How d'you do?" She asked.

"Good, fine," I shuddered a bit. "It's, uh, nice to meet you all."

Sherlock spoke up, but it seemed he was speaking more to himself than anyone else. He rolled his eyes. "Everybody saying hello to each other. How wonderful." His words were practically dripping with sarcasm. I chuckled at him.

Lunch went by quickly, with Lestrade telling me about the graffiti thing from earlier. "Incredible," I muttered. Hopefully, no one else heard me doting over the boy sitting beside me. I looked over at Sherlock, and I noticed a very small smile forming on his lips.

Truth be told, I liked him better when he smiled.

(A/N: sorry, guys; I've hit a bit of a writer's block. I expect the next chapter to be up within a few days, but I don't know how long it will take me to write it. We'll see how it turns out.
A HUGE thank you to the people who are reading this. (Feel free to comment if you like it... Or not like it. I love hearing from you guys, either way!) An even bigger thank you goes out to the ones who voted for this story; I really can't express how much it means to me that you guys like this. It's fantastic, and you guys are awesome.

Please, keep the votes and comments coming!!

Love you all, and happy reading!!!)

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