Chapter 1 *Edited*

Beginne am Anfang

We rush down stairs as we hear the bells ringing, signalling that lunch is ready. I know, I know. Bells, so medieval, just like the house. Ha-ha.

We burst in with so much excitement it would be hard for anyone around us at that moment to believe that we are 17 year olds and not 6 year olds, which is how we are acting.

Mum and dad don’t seem to mind as they are used to it by now, considering the amount of times we have moved. Dad walks over to Saph to see what she wants her room to look like and mum comes over to me.

We are still all talking animatedly about everything when our waiters come in and place the amazing food on the table. That silences us girls as we start eating because we are starving.

After lunch we all went to hit the shops and we managed to get all the material and get our rooms done by dinnertime. Which wasn’t hard considering we know people but it was still an accomplishment.

I am sad to say that I didn’t get enough clothes and accessories to fill my wardrobe up yet but eh, we plan on staying here.

 I am smiling as I get up at the fact that we will not be moving again soon. Dad promised that we would have us girls will be here for the last two years of high school because we really did not want to move so close to graduating.

I am happy because this is my utmost favourite house we have had and I just love this city but I cringe when I remember that this is our first day of school and we will only know each other.

The sad thing is that these people are already part way through their semester and we are the only people starting this late.

I slide out of bed and walk into my closet and am about to grab my ripped skinny jeans but then think better of it because I want to make a good impression on my first day.

So I end up settling for a short black dress with cape like sleeves and then ending up in the bathroom so I could shower then change.

I slid on some bracelets and applied some eyeliner, mascara, foundation and red lip-gloss to highlight my blood red nail polish.

If I didn’t have the body I did, I would be embarrassed to wear such a figure hugging dress but looking down I noticed that I should probably take my belly bar out so it doesn’t make a lump in my dress or tear it when I move around.

Being the perfectionist that I am, as soon as the belly bar was out and my dress back on, I made my way over to Sapphires room to make sure that the lips and the dress weren’t too over board for the first day.

I knock on her door and she practically sings at me to come in. Someone is in a good mood.

The first thing I notice when I walk in is that a bouncing Sapphire is strutting around in a dark purple mini dress with black pumps and she looks stunning.

“Oh my gosh, Crissy!!!!!” She squeals as she turns around to face me.

“You look absolutely amazing! Your black and cream pumps would look great with that. You know, the ones with the bow?” She pauses and waits for me to nod before continuing.

“But before you go get them I must do your hair!” She finishes dreamily.

I giggle as she ushers me to her dressing table where she sets to work on my very long raven black hair.

“You look really good Saph. I love your mini dress and babe, you look as if you have just come off the runway for one of the top designers we know.” I tell her.

She blushes.

“Thanks hun!!! Gosh, I wish I had hair just like yours! Its so beautiful” She sighs at the end, no doubt imagining it right now and I blush.

“Nu-uh! Yours is so much better Saph. I love how warm and earthy it looks. It is the perfect shade of brown. Like a chocolaty brown but lighter.” I reply warmly because what I say is true and it is also very, very straight.

She never needs to do much with it because it is never out of place and it is nowhere near as knotty as mine cause mine is too curly.

“Awe thanks Hun!! And all done!” She announces proudly and twirls me around to face the mirror.

“Sapphire, my dear sister, you have worked yet another one of your great miracles.” I praise as I take in my perfectly curled hair. Every single strand of raven black hair in place.

She rushes into my room and comes back in milliseconds with the black and cream heels she was talking about earlier and hands them to me and tells me to hurry up because she is hungry.

Rolling my eyes I obediently put them on and we walk down to breakfast with our stomachs groaning loudly with the smell wafting past out noses.

As we walk down arm in arm I hear gasps and murmurs of the young waiters and maids as we enter the dining hall and sit down gracefully next to mum and dad.

Mum lets out a whistle as she takes in what we are wearing.

“Girls, are you sure that you aren’t going over board? It is only the first day of school…”

I raise a perfect eyebrow.

“Mum, you know that we always dress like this and I love fashion, what do you expect? And anyway, whats so different about today when we always dress like this…”

“Well dear, she has a point.” Dad tells mum and I can see a smile playing on both their lips.

I know the real reason mum said that though. It’s because she doesn’t want us to get a reputation as snobby rich kids who like to flounce money and also so the maids don’t go green with envy at our so called looks and the waiters don’t fall in love with us because of the same so called looks.

But personally, I don’t care because I like being me and no one is going to make me want to change that just because they don’t like it.

I do pity the maids because they work for us and to be honest, you don’t want to piss dad off because it will not end well.

Once breakfast is over and mum has finally relented to letting us go to school looking like we do, only after pulling us aside and gushing about how ravishing we both look and how we will wow the socks off all the boys.

Her words, not mine.

With her parting word letting us know that she wont bother us about fashion choices again, we hear off to the garage where dads car is waiting.

We slide into the sleek black Mercedes and fly off to school. Its such a short drive that we get there in a matter of minutes and as we pull up to the gates I could tell the whole school had gathered in the lot and was staring at the shiny new car that wasn’t there yesterday.

The car comes to a stop and Dave, our waiter, gets out of the drivers side of the door and the crowd goes silent as he opens our door.

Something worth dying for ( Slowly being edited )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt