Then, he turned his head to face the furniture of the room. 3 beds laid across of him, two of them having grey covers, and many pillows whilst the last one was. . . empty. It had one pillow, a sheet, and whilst every other bed was decorated with stickers, paintings and such, the last bed felt. . . naked. Empty. Alone.

Newt guessed it was his bed.

Sighing, he dropped his suitcase with his clothes besides, and threw himself over the empty bed. He held his phone up, dialing with his password and opening the messages. However, once he came up with a specific name, his once relaxed face was now twisted, forming a frown.

Tommy❤: hey, Newt:)❤


e was about to answer something, but he didn't know what. Ever since he had reached Britain, the conversations between him and Thomas had turned shorter, more . . . typical. He never really thought that he would turn typical with Thomas.

He prayed not to turn typical with Thomas.

«Seems like you found the room yourself, huh?» Chuckled a boy who stood in front of the wooden door. Newt was so lost in his world that he didn't even hear the door cracking open. Nor him.

«It wasn't hard,» Newt remarked,  letting his phone slip to the side before he sat up. «Actually, It was easier than dealing with whatever that,» He waved towards the giant room. «was.»

The boy let out a cheerful laugh, and shook his head before he made his way up to the bed that stood right beside his. Newt guessed It was his bed, by the way he laid on top of it. «I like your sass. It's entertaining.»

«I like my sass too.»

The let chuckled lightly as he shifted towards Newt, and then sat up crossing his one leg on top of the other. «Sounds like we're going to be great friends.»

Newt smiled. «Seems like it.»

The boy held out his hand. «We haven't officially met. My name is Alex. Alex Standall.»

Newt looked down at his hand before he nodded and gently shook his hand. «Newton Isaac. Though everyone just calls me Newt. Or lizard.»

Alex laughed for yet once again. «Alright lizard boy.» He grinned, rubbing his hands together. «Let's go out and have some fun. It is too dull for a Friday night.»

«Go where?» He asked puzzled.

Alex just mirked. «Wait and see.»


I know I promised a chapter like. . . 50 centuries ago, but I had exams and I had to study:) though I really hope I made It up to you guys.

And as for you guys who watch 13 reasons why . . . hehehehe;)

Winky face.

Though for you who do NOT watch 13 reasons why, here is a pic of Alex Standall.

Yes, his hair are bleach white but I JUST FUCKING LOVE HIM, OKAY?


Now to the next chapter!


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