{9} Brave

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Longest chapter yet, I hope you guys will like this. :)

Don't forget to comment and vote if you think this chapter deserves it! 


I rode through the night aimlessly, my body moving on its own. 

The busy streets had long died down. However, it was not silent or peaceful. 

The hairs on the back of my neck had started to rise again, eyes constantly darting to scan the approaching areas.

I could hear the faint roar of a train passing by in the distance.  The quiet hum of electricity that filled the street lights above me, flickering and buzzing. Leaves that rustled against each other, whispering indiscernible secrets that weaved their way through the darkness. Colourful glares that came from the harsh glow of neon lights, drawing attention to places that young ones could never venture to. The occasional shadow of a person, sprawled across the sidewalk. And the wind gently blowing , carrying the nauseating odour of rotten eggs out from dark alleyways. Dark alleyways that welcomed those who would play with the monsters it hid. 

I struggled to keep my breathing under control, straining myself to pedal faster.

It all reminded me to stay alert.

To stay cautious.

And above all, to avoid the alleyways that held only sinister attentions. 

My eyes locked onto a gas station.

I slowly pulled to a stop as I neared the brightly lit area. Hastily, I scrambled off the bike and hid it behind a large ice cooler, near the windows.

The feeling of being watched steadily grew, goosebumps raking down my arms. My heart skipping a beat, I gave a quick look behind me. 

No one.

I practically ran to the doors and flung them open, relaxing as soon as the doors shut behind me. Gripping the strap of my bag, I beelined for the washrooms. 

The door locked with a click, and I was able to breathe. 

I had no idea how I was able to keep going for this long. My body felt heavy and sore whilst my legs had lost all feeling in them.

I was so, so tired. 

I took a deep breath in and with trembling hands, brought my bag over and rested it on a counter top beside the sink. I rolled my shoulders, rubbing the areas where the straps had dug into my skin.

Then, I opened the bag and rummaged through it.

Toiletries like deodorant, soap, mini packages of shampoo and toothpaste.


A small towel wrapped around a medicine bottle that held tablets. 

Some bandaids, alcohol wipes and gauze.

Then, something with an handle. My brows shot up as I slowly raised a cover off the item. It was a Swiss Army knife.

What kind of shit will I have to go through next?

I squeezed my eyes shut before opening them again, slowly shaking my head and moving to the next item. 

Some dark clothing, bras and underwears. 

And under that, papers sealed in a large ziplock bag. I opened it up, the first thing catching my eye was a passport. My eyes widened as I looked at the identification. It was me, but everything was different. 

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