Harrys face turns from innocent to evil in a split second and he gets up by my face, and says in a calm manner, "Our lives depend on it. We promised them to get her. And her only, and you know how much bigger their group is Zayn. And that was a shitty mistake you did back at the ware house." He shoots Liam a quick look and then back to me. I feel guilt override pride, and a I bite my top lip and look down.

"I don't want to." I look up at Harry. "I don't want to hurt anymore girls. We need to take charge and you know that. It's time to get ready. Ready for what's going to happen." I stand taller, and Harry starts to back up. "We are going to get our group, and align fighters." My voice louder now, and Harrys face starts to turn innocent while still backing up. "Tomorrow night. We meet at Liam's gym. We are bulking up and calling the gang. We are going to tell them we are DONE, with their shit. And they have two months to get ready to fight." I am now ordering Harry as he gulps and nods anxiously.

I look over to Liam and he also nods.

I am the leader now.


Ambers POV:

I shoot my eyes to the door, to see a blonde lad leaning against the door and he gives me a quick apologetic look. Not saying a word.

It's the guy from the ware house.

I scramble to the back of the bed and my breathing unsettles. He rushes over to me and grabs my wrist. I struggle to free my wrist with my hand and I can feel tears welling up. He forcefully grabs my other wrist and throws himself over me, pinning my wrist above my head on the bed. I kick my legs, but there is no possible way to get out of this fight.

"HELP!" I scream, my voice shooken.

"Shh!" He inches closer to my face.

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!" I scream again, but he covers up my mouth with one hand, and holds my tiny wrist with the other. Damn I hate being skinny.

"Shut the hell up?!" He says slightly above a whisper, shaking his head.

I feel a tear slide down my cheek as my breathing settles.

"I'm not going to hurt you okay?" I raised an eyebrow and waits for me to nod, but I don't. "Listen, I knew you weren't going to be at Zayns. He's too smart for that. So I came to ask Liam where you where." He gulps. "But I found you instead." He shoots a quick smile but it fades. "I don't want to hurt you Amber. Please don't make me." He slowly starts to take his hand off my mouth, watching my every move.

"HE-" I try to scream, but his hand slams back on my mouth, leaving a slight sting.

"Amber." He says in a questionable tone. "Please. Don't. Make. Me. Hurt. You." He nods with each word.

I give him an assuring nod and he takes his hand off my mouth again. Still watching my every move. I gulp and he looks at me up and down and leans back, taking a deep breath.

"I won't tell Harry." I relax with relief. "But." And I tense up again. "We have to keep this a secret. I didn't find you, this never happened okay? I don't want to send you to the other group. Really I don't, that's not what we wanted to do. We just needed to spare us some time. But, now the other gang is pissed. No turning back." He sighs and looks down.

I just stare at him and he gets up and walks out of the room. What the hell? I scratch my head and get up after him, a feeling of disappointment rushed through me when he left. I followed him into the kitchen, and say on the counter while I watched him grab chips and Nutella.

Ew. I think to myself.

He walks past me and heads to the living room. I hop off the counter and follow him there. Nothing better to do. He throws himself on the big beanbag and turns on some football.

I just stare at him and take a seat on the floor, watching the way he devours the chips. He shoots me a quick glance, then looks at the TV, then back at me.

"Yes?" He shakes his head, his mouth still full of chips. I want to giggle, but this isn't the time.

"Can we clear some things up." I finally let the words come out of my mouth.

He sighs and picks up remote, then pauses the tv. He picks up the chips and Nutella and sets them on the ground. He turns to me and finishes his food in his mouth then sighs.

"What do you want to know?" He says with a thick Irish accent. I never noticed it before.

I get up and sit next to him. I swear he tenses, but I just ignore it.

"Why me."

"Because they wanted you and only you." He looks at me, knowing exactly what I meant.

I nod and think of another question.

"How do you guys have so much money?" Something I've wanted to know for awhile. He sighs again and looks up, like he's trying to remember.

"That's classified." He smirks.

Why won't anyone talk to me about that? I WILL, find out someday. I'm sure of it. I roll my eyes and continue.

"How did you get in?"

"Door was unlocked."

I mentally cursed myself for forgetting to lock the door.

"But don't worry, I locked it." He continued.

"Does Liam have anger issues?" I laugh.

"No, he's just been frustrated lately with the whole thing. He's an actual sweetheart. Wouldn't hurt a fly." He smiles.

"Well at the ware house-"

"I know, I know." He chuckles. "It was a personal joke. We where playing total different rolls with each other. Don't mind it." He nods. "Anything else?"

"Hmm." I tap my chin. "Am I going to die?" I look at him, and his expression turns to complete seriousness. Almost sad. He looks down and starts fumbling with his fingers.

"I can't answer that."

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